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2010-03-27 02:59:32| 人氣748| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A book called PS I LOVE YOU

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 Goddamn it~ I haven't written in English for sooo long.. anyway, I'm in the middle of  reading  this book...I bet the most of people have had already read this book or even watch the movies before...To me, love story is kind of silly, stupid and crazy.Why? cause all I have been through in this reality, love can tear you down and next step is to bring you to the hell...but everyone needs it! PS I Love You "The story about a wife in her almost 30 that is just suddenly lost her beloved husband due to unrecognizable brain cancer. The first chapter is telling the funeral story, the reason of death, the feeling of unfair, the memory, and any other stories that might complete any death story. However, unlike other, this story start rolling its sweet endless love tales right after the death of the husband.After a week of grief, the wife found an envelope consists of 12 smaller envelopes marked with name of months. Yes, in his brief moment of death after the husband was judged to have this lethal disease, he somehow manages to write notes for her wife to be opened each month. Well actually, not just write them, but arrange them.Each of the envelope bear different message with different meaning that I would kill myself if none of you cry after reading this book. It all started with simple yet personal kind of thing such as gentle reminder to buy bedside lamp just because the husband know so well that his wife is careless and always bump her thigh at the bed every time she tried to turn off the lamp on the wall. Next, more complicated arrangement such as booked holiday packages for his wife and girlfriends, and many other simple and nice surprises." Who can stand for being lost  in his or her beloved one? I bet you can't even get out of this drama in the short times...However, just like author says you don't have to stand hopeless and cry for yourself out of it. It's useless..what about me? What's my solution. .the solution is...let me finish this book first and then I'll find the best way to work it out!!!  


台長: minishark小麥


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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊) | 個人分類: Learn to love |
此分類上一篇:can't get in...can't get out.....

2010-03-27 03:43:59
2010-04-06 23:04:07
不是the most of people 的象象

2010-04-30 15:04:43

也 也許 深怕迷戀一個人會忘了自己該做什麼
single...all the time-_-..
2010-05-08 02:39:21
是 (本台目前設定為強制悄悄話)
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