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2006-07-30 19:20:17| 人氣73| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

GoodBye My Love

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Good Bye My Love!!

It’s should be the time to end the story. I can feel your sorrow when each time I see you. Inspite of your smile, your eyes tell me the pain that you bear.

Good Bye My Love!!

I will do what I can to make my dreams come true. Someday, you’ll be proud of me even if we are no longer a couple. I promise to you and myself that I am going to lead a colorful life.

Good Bye My Love!!

Please take care of yourself. You know what is good to yourself. Please live a marvelous life of your own.

Good Bye My Love...................................

台長: long island ice tea


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