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2008-05-10 02:13:55| 人氣42| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

``♡|| The Click Five-Happy Birthday *、

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The Click Five-Happy Birthday

hey you
i know i’m in the wrong
time flies
when you’re having fun
you wake up
another year is gone
twenty one

i guess you wanna know
why I’m on the phone
its been a day or so
i know it’s kinda late
but happy birthday

yeah yeah whoa oh
i know you hate me
yeah yeah whoa oh
well i miss you too
yeah yeah i know
i know its kinda late
but happy birthday

so hard
when you’re far away
it’s lame but i forgot the date
i won’t make the same mistake
it’s all too late

now you know
don’t hang up the phone
i wish i was at home
I know its way too late
but happy birthday

yeah yeah whoa oh
i know you hate me
yeah yeah whoa oh
well i miss you too
yeah yeah i know
i know its kinda late
but happy birthday

it’s not that i don’t care
you know i’ll make it up to you
if i could i’d be there

yeah yeah whoa oh
yeah yeah whoa oh
well I miss you too
yeah yeah i know
i know its kinda late
but happy birthday

yeah yeah whoa oh
i know you hate me
yeah yeah whoa oh
well i miss you too
yeah yeah i know
i know its kinda late
but happy birthday
to you

台長: YoYo
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