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2006-08-22 13:04:37| 人氣58| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

¥Stand by me((伴我一生))

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Stand By Me

Nothing’s impossible
Nothing’s unreachable
When I am weary
You make me stronger
This love is beautiful
So unforgettable
I feel no winter
When we’re together
When we’re together

Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go
Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told

When day turns to night
I look into your eyes
I see my future now
All the world in it’s wonder
This love won’t fade away
And through the hardest days
I’ll never question us
You are the reason, my only reason

Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go
Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told

I am blessed to find what I need
In a world losing hope
You’re my only belief
You make things right
Every time after time
Will you stand by me
Hold on and never let me go

Will you stand by me
With you I know I belong
When the story gets told
Stand by me
Stand by me
Won’t you stand by me

台長: sushi壽司☺
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