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2007-02-13 00:55:53| 人氣65| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Conversation between two broken heart lover.

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"do you really have to go now?"she asked him..with tears.
He didtn’ answer and lighted up a cigarette.
"Come on its late, YOu have to be on this train" He pushed her into the train.
"No....why can’t you come with me?" she looked at him , but couldn’t see clear , her eyes were filled with tears.
"Because You know I can’t." He slowly let go of her hands as the train slowly movin forward.
"No.....dont do this to me please....dont..YOu have to come with me..please I beg you...dont leave me alone again". She couldn’t feel his hands around her fingers anymore as the train started to move forward faster .
"I love you and still do." He said it but she coudnl’t hear him.....
She cried and cried until she can’t undesrtand, why she can’t be with the person she loves the most? Why must she leave without even have another try?All her questions wont be answered....
Because there will never be an answer...
shes’ so tired.
She just want to fly away.

台長: LIL_Cin
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