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2004-04-23 13:10:00| 人氣51| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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O..O...O....shieet...here that fuckin fobbie bitch..
OOOoooooo Shieet......here that ugly fucking fobbie bitch

Monday morning, i was late for my ride then i had to walk to the god danm ghetto school, i didnt' look tight , i didnt' look good, but i konw that i m better than all those fobbie gurls who wear their hair like liek those danm barbie dolls adn dress themeselves like a lil barbie doll OOoo bitch come on look at you all, one of them was 23 and the other was mm i m guessing 25 anyhow look at them i have notice them in the greathall ...so i act as if nothign is up , so i walked by those two ugly fobbie lookign gurls, OOOO my god , i couldn't belive my ears, one of them was saying sumthin bout me ....she said:" o my god jess, look at her she all liek ooo like a bitch, look at her, she is wearing all those tight skirts and and and dye her hair like like so so red..o My god..and her eyes as if she jsut wake up from the dead!!"angry as i was, yet i kept it all inside , coz i didnt' want to give those bitches heartattack so i sang to myself somethign liek this :

Yayay....OO those OOo those god danm ugly lookin funni fobbie gurls
oOOoo those ..ooOOOo those god danm ugly foobbie gurls..

Saturday night the club was high eveyrthign was vibe everyone was geting so high ...I was enjoygin the time of my life until i see those two ugly gurls from the other day , so i sigh and i sigh and then i though...o fuck them ...i m jsut goin to enjoy this night coz this is the night of my life while the dj playin that song.....that song got those gurls on their knee and start their lil dirty dance on the dance floor, I did like to join them myself but i say OOo well be a niec gurl tonight ....
Just when i thought i m goin to enjoy this hot steaming night, OO my god i can't bleive wat i m seein those two guly fobbie bitches that i saw the otehr day , o my god it is them in middle of the circel , dancing dirty , O my god i can't bleive it ......One of them got their legs open OOO shit..she was'nt wearin anything .....not a thong not a thang..O gurl u better put somthing on before the cop take you home!...(biatch) ..
Danm....where is the other one just as i thought she did went away. O shieet she was right htere...with her chicken legs spread open on the couch ...checkin out the dj ..all nite long..O my god....wat's goin on...?she aint got nothign udner her legs....i can't see ...ic an't breathe ..O myg od....she is such a bitch...all i can think about was the song that i sang.to myself:

OOOOOO Those OOo those ugly foobbie gurls on the street
OOOoo those ooo Those ugly fobbie gurls in the clubs...
OOOO those OO those ugly fobbies gurls better watch out
lemme tell u why

ONe you aint got those firm ass liek me and tryin too hard to be something you are not , two you better check your face before you go out
three speak proper english so i can udnerstand your meaning four stop acting like a bitch keep your legs close before i slap you and your ugly frined who i call ugly fobbie bitch!.....

OOOO those those ugly fobbie gurls on teh streeet
ONe two three, tell me please
if you can speak english
one two three tell me please
you really think you can get him?
ONe two three tell me please
who you tryin to mess around with?
DId you kwon who i am?
One two three, bitch i will now give you a warning...
YOu better take your sorry face home and take a swim in the sea
coz i dotn fucking watn to see yoru ugly face
SO take my advice u ugly fobbie bitch
go with yoru frineds...
and the rest of the stupid bitches..
go home...
never want to see your ugly bitches animore!..
u hear me?

台長: LIL_Cin
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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