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2004-07-01 00:53:48| 人氣56| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Ω Lost-Ing ......

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I'm flying around then falling down

Catching some-little seems not enough

I dream up pills and take them down

Even they're overburden on my tongue

Please don't stop and keep move on

One by one‧piece by piece

Seeing the thousand bug from my eyes

Painting my inspiration &

Saying the words that I can't spell

I'm think I'm going craze now

Something true ‧ something real

Something get ‧ something fail

Someone laugh ‧ someone cry

Someone ruin ‧ someone cool

Someone miss & bla﹒bla﹒bla ﹒﹒﹒

I'm think I'm losng control now

I'm losing .....

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