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2005-07-13 01:37:42| 人氣33| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My Tots...

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Felt like writing in english today..somehow i\\\\\\\'m a little too impatient..can\\\\\\\'t seem to type past the 1st line in chinese and i gave up..= =

lemme try again..真的是好難打的..give up..was just wondering..you\\\\\\\'ve taught me so much stuff..but is that what you really want me? hmmm..if i were to become the changed person will u still love me for me?a little tot..nothing much but it just came to mind lately that will you still love me for me if i were to be the person that has taken in all your teachings and put it to use? Answer can be left unknow..i don\\\\\\\'t really wana know..although curiousity has put me on my toes..darn..= =\\\\\\\"

Do you still love me even somtimes i wonder? yes that looks like a sign of mistrust..cos somtimes when i think back about the words you\\\\\\\'ve said..i really wonder how much of it is left but nonetheless i don\\\\\\\'t really wana go think too much into it..I still love you and will always love you. =) *hUgx*

We\\\\\\\'re coming close to our 4th month..so happy! hee..hmmm..=) how time flies..really..soon again it\\\\\\\'ll be exams and then hols..where will i be during hols..?we\\\\\\\'ll see again..haha..=PpPpP alright..its enuf for the day..wana go talk to my darlin\\\\\\\'..=) hee

Was on the cabbie just now..heard a story about 愛要這麼說..tot it was some boring long story..but realised it is quite in realtion to a couple of things..

its about this 17 year old boy who had a gf and the gf actually requested for him to say \\\"I love you\\\" but he just couldn\\\'t say it. He told his mother he had the feeling in him but he just couldn\\\'t say it. The moment when the accident happened, his gf fell off the cliff together with the car..He shouted \\\"i love you\\\" in hope that she would be able to hear it..but chance of her hearing it was slim.

He then remebered once when he was lying on the bed with his gf they both talked for a long time. The 17 year old boy told his gf that he felt that he was an orphan who had no parents. He felt that no one in this world could really love him. The girl felt the same way and told him that she really did loved him and hoped he feels the same way too..

The mother was shell shocked upon hearing this. Thoughts ran through her mind. She realised that all her life of 40 years, she had never said the word \\\"love\\\" once. Not even to her husband when they got married.She felt that why her silly son couldn\\\'t understand what she was going through for him.Earning money to send him to the best school,buying him the best things and all..He was sure to have known it. Her marriage was not doing well and she was still struggling just for her children.Don\\\'t they see it?

That night, she spoke to her husband and told him what their son had said..All the husband said was that children nowadays know how much their parents love them. They just had this misconception that parents don\\\'t and all they wanted was to run away from them to be free. The wife then said, is it because i have never told my child i love him? She then asked the husband if he had ever said \\\"I love you\\\" to his choldren and the husband\\\'s response to this was no..cos it wasn\\\'t very necessary.

To be continued...

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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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