dance like no one's watching ;D
anyways, I've had 2 scary experiences in the past two days. So it's like this:
On Thursday, I'm like MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS, walking home when this tall queer chinese guy just like approaches me and asks me for money. He's like, oh, I need some money to take a bus to my friend's house and blah. I tell him I don't have any money, and he's like, change also don't have? Then I'm like, no I don't have I'm a student why don't you ask that grown up man walking by? and then I like turn around and start walking at a fairly normal pace.
OMG. okay, then today, I was like carrying my laptop my viola and my p.e bag, so I decide to USE THE LIFT.
So I get in, press 3, and then like wait. Before I know it, instead ofgoing up, it like jerks downward. You know that falling feeling? Yeah that’swhat happened. So I like PANIC, because I obviously can’t like get stuck in thelift because I have a MATH TEST, ENGLISH TEST AND AN ENGLISH ESSAY I HAVEN’TSTARTED ON.
Actually I was moreworried about my life, like seriously It was like 1, and there was an arrowpointing downwards and NO MY APARTMENT BUILDING DOES NOT HAVE A BASEMENT OKAY,LIKE NO B1.
OMG so I likehyperventilate and press the open door button and it doesn’t open until like 3minutes later, I was like DYING THE WHOLE TIME. ZOMG. Ah.
Ya, so that was likea really creepy experience. Paddy says it’s karma, William thinks it’s odd andChris is freaked out. Seriously… wth.
Well I don’t believein Karma but like, even if I did I haven’t been doing anything like bad in thepast few days. Unless you count procrastinating and like, not practicing myviola. D: which is so unfair because people don’t practice EITHER.
TT I am very upset.My heart still beats uber fast thinking about it. Omg.
Anyways. Like todaywas boring. The day passed by like. Usual pace ): I HAVE SO MUCH HOMEWORK DUETT. Habitat was okay, I got a lot done today. Andddd oh, I slept a total of 3hours and didn’t feel very sleepy at any point in the day today. Interestingly,vitamin c keeps you awake :D I was working on my history rough draft whiletranslating the last episode of this Korean drama for my mum. The tv series is quite good, it’slike 太阳的女人 :D go watch it.
K ima go work,
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