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2006-03-14 02:46:28| 人氣1,452| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

外星人’s Pick Gay Blog 02 Sex and the Second City

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我曾在留言版跟網友分享過這個站,其實一直到現在,他都是我最喜歡也最忠實收看的英文gay blog!

光從他自己的介紹”Not a story of a Manolo Blahnik obsessed autosycophant and her 3 friends going to different nightly Manhattan spots. I am a thirtysomething black man on Chicago’s southside who rarely has more than $50 in the bank after bills, shops at H&M, and realizes that in order to have great sex and fun encounters, you don’t have to be rich, athletic, or even that cute--just be available.”來看,你就可以知道這名住在芝加哥的黑人的Second City大概在講些什麼。

若說Sex and The City提升了電視圈的話題尺度,開放了大家的視野也提升了女性自主與享受性愛及自由談論性的權利,那麼Sex and the Second City更是會讓你看到眼睛突出來的大開眼界!!

比方說最新一篇的文章”I like Big”一開頭,作者Bernard就說”Why is it that when I first saw this picture my mouth watered? Instead of going Oh my God! and crossing my legs, the first thing I thought was, How can I meet this guy?”

或說另一篇他寫:”If you didn’t know before, let the truth be told: The best sex in the world doesn’t include latex.”

不過,Sex and The Second City並不是一個只分享各種豔遇/奇遇或性經驗的地方,它還非常注重正確觀念及保護自己也保護他人等機會教育。這大概也是為什麼它跟其他寫奇情小說文章的網站的不同之處,也是我從一開始發現這個站後就成為忠實讀者的原因。

題外話,Sex and the Second City其實也有Podcast版本,每隔幾天發行一次。所以懶得閱讀的讀者其實也可以選擇用聽的。只不過有時並不一定每篇Bernard都會製作Podcast,所以偶爾上去看看你有沒有漏掉什麼精彩之作囉!

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