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【興趣嗜好分享】澳大利亞Nature of Australia Desert郵票

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澳大利亞Nature of Australia - Desert郵票


Desert Star Flower (Calytrix carinata)

       With its spectacular pink or purple flowers this shrub grows up to three metres high and flowers from March to October. It is found on red sand or gravelly rust-coloured clay.

兔耳袋貍 Bilby (Macrotis lagotis)

       A member of the bandicoot family, the bilby has long ears, soft blue-grey fur and a pointed snout. Once found throughout arid and semi-arid Australia, it is now confined to northern deserts and is a threatened species.

澳洲棘蜥 Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus)

       The Great Sandy Desert has more reptile species than any other desert in the world and the thorny devil is one of the more spectacular reptiles found there. Despite its appearance the thorny devil is harmless. It grows to about 20 cm in length and lives entirely on a diet of black ants.

Great Sandy Desert

       The designer has used the powerful red earth and blue sky to evoke the intensity and atmosphere of the Great Sandy Desert's landscape and habitat.

       Sand dunes - powerfully evocative of the Great Sandy Desert - desert oaks (Allocasuarina decaisneana) and white-backed swallows (Cheramoeca leucosternum) feeding gracefully in the distance - provide dramatic points of interest.

澳大利亞於2002年6月4日發行Nature of Australia - Desert郵票

台長: 落葉之楓

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