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2008-02-26 18:48:22| 人氣40| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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it is really funnny
or PE class is like .....funny place
jessica and me plyed with mickle and Jack
and Jack just do something really stupid
is like he threw the ball like little boy
I just like "what the B"
and Jessica called Jack ....MR.Bean
I think ...he doesn’t like his new nickname
okay >///<

and after that
I chated with Jack (playing tennis)
I asked him "how out are he?"
cuz I can’t believe he just play with us like little boy
but ....he is older then me and crazyer then me
hahaha >口<

and nothing special lah

台長: 【 薇薇 】〃
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