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2008-03-04 20:48:04| 人氣99| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Dear Mandee,

I’ve been doing 禪修 for 2 months, and have been inspried a lot. I feel I change a lot during these 2 months, and I would like to share such pleasure with you.

It’s 如來正法的禪宗 with 法會classes on Monday and Tuesday night, or Saturday afternoon. About two hours each time.

Plus many weekly 佛禮教導classes in many places.

The fees is NT$2,000 per month, however I feel what people gain is actually much more than that cost.

I never believe in any religious, so my friends are all very surprised about my change, and they also feel my good change too.

If you would also like to learn more about it, let me know.


Mei Mei

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