It's been a long time since I wrote the impression for watching movie
last time. Or maybe sometimes I just type a word or sentence after watching. However, It's a movie with beatiful view of reality. The story began froma little girl studying about sex in primary school. And she's wondering aboutwhy her parents are going to be divorced. And her father William(main man actor) tells her about his story with 3 girls. One is friend fromyoung, one is a copy girl when he was working for Bill Clinton 's PresidentCompetition, one is the reporter of megazine. Every girl has its owncharacteristic and catches William's heart or losing it. In fact, this is loveand life. Sometimes it's about timing and chances even what position a personstands. William works from a coffe bago boy to a well preformence competitionassist. The tides raise and fall but shows that a person who has sincere kindwill achieve his dreaming future even if he doesn't konw what is the dream hepursuits. And when William told his daughter about she is the happy endingof her parents. It also conclude that the best result is not the way everybody thinking. Sometimes "Definitely" maybe only can be "Maybe" . This is theanswer April said when William ask April to marry her. It also means that inlife there's no ture answers or the way to pass pain or get happiness, the onlyway is just make your heart simplicity and survive. And the following are the words April said when William was frustrade byboth carrer and love: forget about the real deal. you don't find it. it finds you. (it means) you get to a certain age and then you are ready. you're ready for kids or a commitment or (you know) a mortgage. and the person that you're with then they become the ONE.Maybe with this pleasure we can all find the ONE at last :)