很長一段時間,沒有在這發表過文章,這段期間,由於眼睛長期看電腦,用眼過度,而且還感染了結膜炎,所幸經多日休養後,也已康復,這次我要發表的新文章,是屬於電腦史前時代的產物,APPLE II,各位都知道,在整個80年代,蘋果公司靠著創辦人賈伯斯的先跑先贏,在1976年推出APPLE I之後,一直到80年代中期後,都一直是所謂的主流電腦,但到了1984年,蘋果推出了劃時代的macintosh(麥金塔)電腦之後,也因為本身成本的考量,遂將APPLE II停產,所以APPLE II就像歷史上短暫的王朝一樣,但留下的卻是那珍貴而又具有歷史價值的文物及歷史
前不久,在麥金塔的專業討論區oikos上,有個收藏家俱樂部專欄,有位傅立葉先生,個人相當佩服的改裝大師,他從國外ebay購入了一台APPLE II GS,花了六千大洋,但整個機器內的記憶卡,甚至於坊間的CF卡,都被他改到電腦內了,小弟看了真是嘖嘖稱奇,自嘆不如,這樣的改裝,應該也讓他省下不少荷包吧,其中有一篇是搖捍的改裝,這點就讓我很好奇,由於內容過於專業,小弟只好求助於一些專業人士,試圖解開一些達文西密碼,但後來經國外網站applefritter的詢問下,才知道國外寫的改裝內容,不過它的方式是製作一個小盒式的轉接器,由於之前我有改過電源的經驗,對於rewire這類的事情,可算是有經驗,國外的網站上的內容,當然以小弟的破英文來說,可不知翻了多少次的字典,才略知一二,甚至還得問問幹翻譯的哥哥,不過艱澀難懂的專有名詞,還是翻不出來的
flight joystick.JPG
004- How can I make a PC-to-Apple Joystick converter?
If you are looking for the best stick at the best price for your Apple II,
building a simple PC-to-Apple2 joystick converter is the way to go. Practically
every computer stuff store carries PC sticks and you will have a wide selection
of brands and models from which to choose.
Note: The converter detailed here will not work with "auto-fire" circuits included
in some PC joysticks. If you use an auto-fire stick with this converter, "auto-fire"
should be switched Off.
For a modified design which supports both auto-fire and non auto-fire operation
see FAQs Resource R030PCA2RF.GIF.
My PC stick is a standard CH Products "FlightStick". A resistance
measurement produced a disconcerting revelation: the X and Y pots top-out
around 100k Ohms-- 50k less than a standard Apple II stick! Fortunately, you
can compensate for the difference just fine by adding a bit of capacitance. The
finished converter is shown below:
To PC Stick To Apple II Or to 16-pin IC plug
15-pin Dsub 9-pin Dsub ribbon cable to
female connector male connector internal Game socket
[1] [4] and [5] ----------[2] +5V [ 1]
[2] ----------------------[7] Button 0 [ 2]
[3] ----------------------[5] X-axis [ 6]
[6] ----------------------[8] Y-axis [10]
[7] ----------------------[1] Button 1 [ 3]
[3] Ground [ 8]
On the Apple II side ... 9-Pin 16-Pin
add 680 Ohm resistor between [7] & [3] [ 2] & [ 8]
add 680 Ohm resistor between [1] & [3] [ 3] & [ 8]
add .01 uF cap* between [5] & [3] [ 6] & [ 8]
Optional: for fine-tuning,
add a 500k trim pot
in series with the cap.
add .01 uF cap* between [8] & [3] [10] & [ 8]
Optional: for fine-tuning,
add a 500k trim pot
in series with the cap.
*Note: The Capacitors compensate for smaller R range of PC sticks.
The C values are approximate. There is some variation in the
built-in capacitance for each Apple II and a ".01 uF" cap may be
off by 20% or more.
For standard 100k Ohm PC sticks, picking a ".01 uF" cap pretty
well guarantees you will be able to cover the full Apple II
X and Y range (0-255). To make sure and to get a wide active
swing, it's a good idea to use clips to attach caps and check
performance using the program below.
A pictorial 'diagram' of this converter is available. For the
pictorial, see FAQs Resource R029PCA2XRF.GIF.
For checking and adjusting stick performance on your Apple II, use a program
which continuously reads and displays X and Y stick values. The program below
does this and displays "B0" when Button 0 is pushed and "B1" when Button 1 is
pushed. Do a CTRL-C to exit.
20 PRINT "X= "; PDL(0); TAB(15); "Y= ";PDL(1); TAB(30);
30 IF PEEK(49249)>127 THEN PRINT " B0";
40 IF PEEK(49250)>127 THEN PRINT " B1";
Note: If your Apple II uses an accelerator chip or board, make
sure that it "slows down" for joystick accesses or just set
Speed to "Normal" (1MHz).
Most likely, after X and Y centering is set (around 128) you will find
that the a stick tops-out too early in the X-max and/or Y-max direction. For
best control precision, what you want is for extreme values to occur near the
extremes of stick movement:
X (horizontal) Left= 0 Right= 255
Y (vertical) Up= 0 Down= 255
This way, you have lots of active swing which makes graphics
work and playing most games much easier.
If you included the trim pots in your converter, adjusting for maximum
active swing will be easy so long as you can get to the max 255 values
with the pots at lowest resistance. (Increasing the resistance acts like
lowering the value of the connected capacitor.) If your converter does not
include the trim pots, experiment with swapping in capacitance values
between .002 uF and .01 uF to get the best control 'spread'.
The converter I built fit inside heat-shrink tubing. Putting it in a small
plastic box may be better. You could mount the trim pots (and/or switches
with fixed "trim resistors") and select between settings for a 'Fast', short
swing, 'hot' Game Stick and a 'Normal', full swing 'cool' Game/Graphics Stick.
想必英文不錯的各位,應該看得懂本篇的內容,最早期的pc game port,是借助當時的音效卡上的midi port,當成它的device,我們也稱為d-sub or db15,本篇圖表上,主要有兩種的改法,第一種由於過於複雜,小弟實驗失敗,第二個圖表,就是本篇的主旨,pc joystick to apple II converter,文章的大意是說,pc端和apple II端,主要搖捍上少了50k的電阻,其實以pc joystick 和apple II的差異性來說,並不會太大,所以只要加幾個電容和電阻,就可以使用了,當然,這篇文章改裝的主要是有x,y軸的大支搖捍,以下的game pad,由於電路不同,所以接上後,是不相容的,小弟接上後,則是無法開機
gamepad 搖捍
小弟端詳了這篇文章許久,後來終於看懂了,但由於十年前購買的搖捍,全都送人,為了實驗,只好上露天買了一支,孰料當時沒有仔細看清楚文章中auto fire搖捍的意思,貿然了買了一支gamepad,插上自製的轉接器,居然沒有開機畫面,怎麼辦呢??當然又重回露天,買了一支文章所說的飛行搖捍,本想搞的是一支傳統的簡易型搖捍,但露天全是飛行搖捍,也只好用它來試試囉
各位看到這篇文章的關鍵重點,就是那張改pin腳的圖,圖上明確的說明,pc和apple II對應的腳位,再看看圖上9pin與15pin中接頭的1-9 and 1-15 pin腳位置對應方向,先把線接好,再來焊電阻和電容
apple II端子上的pin 3是接地,所有電阻電容,都要焊在這個腳位上,我們用一條細電線焊在此,所有電容電阻全焊在這條接地線上電容電阻另一邊則是焊在pc-7pin,apple2-1pin(電阻),pc-2pin,apple2-7pin(電阻),電容部分 pc-3pin,apple2-5pin
一公9pin apple II接頭及一母的15pin pc port
再下來就是來對對apple II gs上的放置方式,各位看到沒??由於盒子的寬度較大,所以要適當的修剪,才能放得進9pin port適當位置
機器上的game port位置裁好後,我們還要修剪放入端子頭的位置出來,同樣用鋁刀來割出一個半弧形
端子頭必需是放在外面,不能放在塑膠盒的邊緣內,否則,插在game port內,就不能完全插進去,我們用電鑽用四個洞,兩個端子旁各兩個洞,用魔鬼束帶綁好
button 0正常,方向也正常
button 0 y軸的下操作正常
button 0 x軸往上正常
button 1 中間方向正常
button 1 y軸往下正常
button 1 y軸往上正常
一個15pin母頭 $6
一個9pin公頭 $5
兩個小盒子 $39
電阻5個 $1
電容2個 $1
(非買品) 搖捍 $170
(非買品) gamepad $100
total $322
這個價錢夠便宜吧,其實不算搖捍的話,也就52元,如果加上一些工具,電鑽說真的,買個扁鑽也行,剉刀和一個鋁刀,算算也約30元左右,加加也不到100元,一個轉接器就可以讓你不用再上ebay,等個一個禮拜多的時間,等待著一個 apple II的搖捍,是不是很方便呢???ebay上的東西,許多不是抬高運費,就是出售不良品,記得第一次買搖捍,是買原廠蘋果出品的,結果就是個不良品,很難想像吧,搖捍這麼不容易壞的東西,ebay都能賣出不良品,實在有夠厲害的,小弟最近常常用許多的遊戲來試自己的飛行搖捍,不知是不是本身搖捍的關係,操作起來還是要稍微調整一下,不過整個操作起來,還是不錯的
pc joystick由於本身結構上,由APPLE II大致相同,所以比較好改,至於說到鍵盤或滑鼠部分,這就牽涉到許多繁雜的電路問題,如果重新rewire的話,也是沒什麼作用的,市售的遊戲機xbox上的搖捍,它的就是pc usb搖捍上的5V data+ data- ground,所以接頭剪掉,買個usb公頭來照圖表焊接,也就可以在pc上使用了
想必經歷過蘋果二號改朝換代的各位,最年輕應該也是為人父的年紀,想想童年時代玩的遊戲,現在也可說是非常的懷念吧,希望有APPLE II的朋友們,看了這些改造文章,或許你也能自己DIY哦,體驗一下樂趣,做好後,你虴能在露天,買個game port搖捍,也能重拾往日玩遊戲的快樂時光
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