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2015-09-07 11:37:04


禮品,贈品,gift-香港夏季采購展吸引全球逾六百傢參展商 http://www.greenspark.com.hk 【禮品, 贈品, gift, Gifts, 環保袋, 紀念品, recycle bag, Premium】 中新社香港七月二日電 香...

2015-09-01 11:34:17


化學補習,補習化學-10歲男孩為愛與理想申請退學是天真嗎? http://www.elementclc.com   “我申請退學,不想把理想葬送在無聊的考試中”。近日,珠海10歲男孩馮邵一在退學...

2015-09-01 11:32:07

化學補習,補習化學-10歲男孩申請退學 稱不想把理想葬送在考試中

化學補習,補習化學-10歲男孩申請退學 稱不想把理想葬送在考試中 http://www.elementclc.com 馮邵一(資料圖片)。馮邵一供圖 “每天無非是上課、作業、考試、排名次,除瞭這些,...

2015-09-01 11:30:00

化學補習,補習化學-11歲男孩步行20裡上學不遲到 每天清洗傢中豬圈

化學補習,補習化學-11歲男孩步行20裡上學不遲到 每天清洗傢中豬圈 http://www.elementclc.com   11歲優秀小男生感動校園   做傢務打掃豬圈   樣樣都拿手學習成績優秀   &l...

2015-08-31 10:14:07

PlayGroup - 周末帶孩子看電影啦

PlayGroup - 周末帶孩子看電影啦 http://www.aristle-gifted.com   東莞科技館“暑期優秀兒童電影季”受熱捧   自暑期以來,東莞科技館聯合深圳、珠海等地的兒童電影機...

2015-08-31 10:11:09

PlayGroup - 浙江溫嶺幼師虐童事件當事人顏某被依法釋放

PlayGroup - 浙江溫嶺幼師虐童事件當事人顏某被依法釋放 http://www.aristle-gifted.com   浙江溫嶺幼兒教師顏某虐童一事引發社會關註。記者從溫嶺市政府新聞辦瞭解到,警方經深入偵...

2015-08-31 10:09:52

PlayGroup - 重慶禁幼兒園教拼音漢字和加減法

PlayGroup - 重慶禁幼兒園教拼音漢字和加減法 http://www.aristle-gifted.com   教室裡張貼一些古詩詞、課堂上教讀拼音寫漢字、下午放學再佈置幾道加減法回傢練習……以...

2015-08-28 11:34:12


禮品,贈品,gift-文具企業提高附加值的兩個關鍵點:人才與技術 http://www.greenspark.com.hk 【禮品, 贈品, gift, Gifts, 環保袋, 紀念品, recycle bag, Premium】近年來,廣東一些實力...

2015-08-28 11:29:06


禮品,贈品,gift-書畫攪熱巨野文化產業 http://www.greenspark.com.hk 【禮品, 贈品, gift, Gifts, 環保袋, 紀念品, recycle bag, Premium】由民間無償投資百萬建設的“西狩獲麟&rd...

2015-08-28 11:24:50


禮品,贈品,gift-六月風神送來“情侶傘“ http://www.greenspark.com.hk 【禮品, 贈品, gift, Gifts, 環保袋, 紀念品, recycle bag, Premium】 近日,“風神”來襲,...

2015-07-27 10:10:02

Poll: Public have mixed feelings over pollution fight

Poll: Public have mixed feelings over pollution fight prototype.com.hk While 54 percent of the respondents in a recent survey in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou considere...

2015-07-27 10:05:10

Premier supervises quake relief operation in Longtoushan

Premier supervises quake relief operation in Longtoushan prototype.com.hk Premier Li Keqiang pledged an efficient search and relief operation after he arrived in the town...

2015-07-27 10:02:29

Premier Li stresses urbanization, modern agriculture

Premier Li stresses urbanization, modern agriculture prototype.com.hk Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (C front) shakes hands with a worker on a rain sewage diversion system co...

2015-07-23 16:39:24

Police sorry for detention case

Police sorry for detention case prototype.com.hk Experts urge prudence after resident detained for parking ticket gripe Police in Shandong have apologized to a man they ...

2015-07-23 16:27:37

Police raid tour guides operating teahouse scams

Police raid tour guides operating teahouse scams prototype.com.hk Beijing police said on Monday they raided a group of illegal tour guides in the Forbidden City area, who...

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