教了一門文化課 自己開始找一些好笑的短片能在課堂上放不但能訓練學生聽力 也能正式帶進主題第一堂講 cultural difference找到這一段Mr. Baseball與日本球隊經理用餐的經典片段http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgPtMB7KfLA看完後 請學生來一段Role PlayMr. Baseball與經理女兒之間的溝通學生都很有演戲天份呢!--------------------------------------------------------------隔週這一堂講的是Faux Pas 我就以這個廣告帶進主題http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_WAmt3cMdk然後慢慢引導他們去想這是怎麼一回事...1. Treated as VIP-- Be seated in the end of table.2. Eating certain food which he is not familiar with. 3. Eel was shown to him (alive) and then chopped up to put in his bowl.還真的蠻有趣的呢! The English believe it's a slur on your host's food if you don't clear your plate.Whereas the Chinese feel that it's questioning their generosity if you do.* slur--- (n.) a statement, accusation that may damage someone's reputation.* Faux Pas--- It is french, literally means false step. What is considered a good manner in one culture can be considered a faux pas in another. It can be simple like wearing shoes inside a place you shouldn't or make a gesture has a different local meaning.