To My Big Bear,
Last May 4th, there was a girl crying in your bible study class. She had tears when you had a prayer at the end of class. You asked this girl, ”Do you have anything to share?” This girl sobbed and said, ”No body will understand it.” You said, ”Maybe I can understand it.” She swept her tears away and said, ”I thought everything will be fine when I go home. But it is not....” The classmate passed the tissues to her and you drew a picture on the paper-- a person with a broken heart, one part is in US and the other part is in Taiwan.
That night she got some gifts through the email-- bible verses and your favorite song. That is the best comfort in the world, because nothing could be more powerful than the words of God. That time this girl was just a baby christian. Her faith was just like sprout. But these encouragements were the sunshine after big storm.
Thanks! My big bear.
I would probably have no courage to keep going without your encouragement. When I look back our conversation back and forth through email, I appreciate what God did on us. I was totally disappointed by people’s attitude of dealing relationship with carelessness, but you told me the old couple in your church that romantic love exists.
This year, we went through a lot of things. We share thoughts and talk a lot. We argue, we cry, and we laugh. We look back and also look further in future. Yes, we all know that our future is in His hand. We will be more closer when we are close to Him. And this is also the best part in this relationship, because we have solid foundation built with faith in God. It is such a big difference and makes this relationship special and distinct.
Someone said love is a rose.
Lovers and roses are always put together.
But I said...
Love is a seed. God is the gardener. He puts seeds between us.
It starts with christian love between brother and sister.
And then He gives water, sunshine, and care. Then it grows.
No one knows what will it turn into, but He has plan in His mind. He just takes care of it day by day. He knows what is the best to the seed, He gives. Seed can not live without His care, because seed does not know where to get sunshine and water or move around to find what it needs. He provides. No matter what the seed needs, He knows well. And He gives. Of course, He takes things away when they stop seed to grow. The love, grace and mercy of Gardener help seed grow in care. Could not see the picture of this seed grow up in His care after 10 years from now, but I know this seed will not just a weed if it grows in Him.
My dear big bear...
I want this seed to keep growing in Him.
10 years, 30 years, 50 years...
(Do not know we will live that long or not.)
I want this seed to witness Gardener’s love and grace.
I have no gift for you today to celebrate the date we met one year ago, but a commitment to grow in Christ together. I want to enjoy what God prepares for us, to embrace the love He gives us, and to have the joy He creates for us in future. At His timing, He will show me everything.
True love waits. Same team.
Your girl