”Are you willing to forgive those people who hurt you and give them to your Lord? If your answer is yes, I would like you to stand up.”
Follow Anderson’s prayer, I stand up.
Give all those hurt which bring pain and sorrow in my heart to my Lord Jesus Christ. I have carried them for a long time. I brought them from Taiwan to Canada, I thought when I leave that island these stuff will not follow me anymore. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The sorrow and hurt were in my heart, they were not on the island or in my hometown. No matter where I went, they were with me.
Once we dealt with them. In the park last October, we burned those memory written in the paper and asked God to take these away. It was a release, a release of carrying huge stones. But.... Sometimes, the hurt reminds me, the voice accuses me, ”you are not deserved for having His love and forgiving.”
But this Saturday, in the seminar, I stood up in front of God’s presence and the crowd. Once again, I handed all my hurt to God and asked blessing for those people hurt me in the past. God sets me free. Yes, He did. My back is not sore. He moves my big bad and I am not carrying it anymore.
How many of us carry this big bag which is filled with all kinds of stones? My stones are the stone of rejection. Be rejected by others. And I carried this bag with me to church, to friends, and home. I never really put these stones down. These stones make me angry at myself. When I am angry at myself, I am so easily to angry at the people I love. Finally, I put all these stones down and leave them to Him. Let Him carry my stones. It is His promise to exchange our bag and He told me His bag is light. Finally, I am willing to put my bag in His back, His shoulder. Let Him carry my bag.
”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Mat. 11:28-30
Yes, His bag is light.
It is not heavy as I had.
I have a light body today.
Feel like I am so light and I can fly in the sky.
Thank you Lord, you took all my burden and give me the rest and peace from you.