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2001-06-14 16:18:28| 人氣668| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Puppy Song

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一直很喜歡這張電子情書You've Got Mail的電影原聲帶,我的Notebook的桌面到現在還是那一張,從來沒換過。每天上班的時候聽這張CD,整個人就特別有精神,充滿活力,就跟我喜歡美夢成真的音樂一樣的。這張專輯裏收錄了Harry Nilsson唱的三首歌,The Puppy Song、Remember和Over The Rainbow,真的很好聽,以下我到Yahoo!奇摩的音樂聚焦的【紐約音樂地圖】中蒐集到的資料:

一首首七○年代流行歌曲,串聯一對歡喜冤家的寂寞芳心,紐約歌手Harry Nilsson 的【The Puppy Song】、【Over the Rainbow】……唱出大蘋果的浪漫氣息,才女歌手Caroal King 的【Anyone At All】雖是新作,卻透露屬於七○年代的雋永美好,George Fenton根據男女主角往來的E-mail為主題創作一段樂曲,將紐約上西城區細緻的人文色彩表現無遺。

很不錯的評論,很快的就可以融入這張電影原聲帶了,後來找到空中英語教室,Puppy其中有一個定義是幼稚,想想還真像我平常的行徑,難怪我會喜歡這一首The Puppy Song,一直找不到中文翻譯,我也不是很清楚歌詞的意思,將英文歌詞找來,與你們一同分享這首The Puppy Song,很棒地!

The Puppy Song /Harry Nilsson

Dreams are nothing more than wishes
And a wish's just a dream you wish to come true

If only I could have a puppy
I'd call myself so very lucky
Just to have some company
To share a cup of tea with me
I'd take my puppy everywhere
La la la la I wouldn't care
Then we'll stay away from crowds
With sites that say no dogs allowed
Oh we...I know we'd never bite he
We...I know we'd never bite me

If only I could have a friend
Who sticks with me until the end
And walk along beside the sea
To share a bit of moon with me
I'd take my friend most everywhere
La la la la I wouldn't care
And we'll stay away from crowds
With sites that say no friends allowed
Oh we...we'd be so happy to be...
We...we'd be so happy to be together

But dreams are nothing more than wishes
And a wish's just a dream you wish to come true
Dreams are nothing more than wishes
(Your wish will come true)
And a wish's just a dream(Your wish will come true)
you wish to come true (Your wish will come true)

台長: Lydia
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