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2002-08-03 05:24:00| 人氣82| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Pearl Harbor...07/18/02

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Today is Saturday.I got up very early because today we wanted to go to Pearl Harbor.We went there by bus.There were many people on the bus.There were heading to Pearl Harbor.You couldn't take a lot of things with you into Pearl Harbor.So we all didn't take a lot of things-only a camera and money.As soon as we arrived at Pearl Harbor,we went to see a movie in the theatre.The novie is about the fact that the Empire of Japan made an attack on the United States.Then we went to see the USS Arizona Memorial by boat.When I was on the boat I felt dizzy.I could see the USS Arizona Menorial.And I also saw a green turtle which was very interesting.I am very tired today so I want to go to bed early.

台長: 路西~
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