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2008-03-25 18:40:32| 人氣23| 回應0 | 下一篇

you give me something

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You want to stay with me in the morning 早晨你還依偎在我身邊
You only hold me when I sleep, 但唯有我沈睡時你才抱緊我
I was meant to tread the water 我原應僅該淺嘗即止
Now I’ve got damped in too deep, 但如今已陷得太深
For every piece of me that wants you 我身體的每個部分都慾望著你
Another piece backs away. 但另個部分卻躊躇不前

’Cause you give me something 因為你給我的愛意
That makes me scared, alright, 令我戒慎恐懼
This could be nothing 我擔心到頭來一無所獲
But I’m willing to give it a try, 但我仍願意嘗試看看
Please give me something 請給我你的愛
’Cause someday I might know my heart. 也許某日我將瞭解自己的心意

You already waited up for hours 你已經靜候許久
Just to spend a little time alone with me, 只是為了與我獨處一小段時間
And I can say I’ve never bought you flowers 我的確從未送你花朵
I can’t work out what they mean, 因為我永遠搞不懂花語的意義
I never thought that I’d love someone, 我從未想過我會愛上誰
That was someone else’s dream. 我一直以為那是別人才有的好運

’Cause you give me something 因為你給我的愛意
That makes me scared, alright, 令我戒慎恐懼
This could be nothing 我擔憂到頭來將是一場空
But I’m willing to give it a try, 但我仍願意嘗試看看
Please give me something, 請給我你的愛
’Cause someday I might call you from my heart, 也許某日我將打從心底呼喚你
But it might be a second too late, 也許有些遲了
And the words I could never say 這句我要說的話
Gonna come out anyway. 卻在也隱藏不住了

’Cause you give me something 因為你給我的愛意
That makes me scared, alright, 令我戒慎恐懼
This could be nothing 我擔憂到頭來將一無所獲
But I’m willing to give it a try, 但我仍願意嘗試看看
Please give me something, 請給我你的愛
’Cause you give me something 因為你給我的愛意
That makes me scared, alright, 令我憂愁恐懼
This could be nothing 我憂心一切將是一場空
But I’m willing to give it a try, 但我仍願嘗試看看
Please give me something 請給我你的愛
’Cause someday I might know my heart. 也許有日我終將明瞭自己的心意
Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart 

台長: 不是誰的誰


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