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2002-02-19 13:21:02| 人氣80| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

力宏週記2001年#6 No.36--------SonymusicTW

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哈囉! 哈囉! 哈囉!

你們大家可能一定都猜到了, 我現在每天每分每秒都在為2月2日的香港紅磡演唱會做準備。我現在的精神狀況很好,也覺得比之前更健壯了一些, 我非常強烈的期待著這場「不可思議」演唱會,我知道屆時將會看到你們大家.... 我簡直不敢相信已經接近表演時刻了!

距離我上一篇週記,已經有好一段時間了,對於無法一直持續地為大家寫週記,真的感到很抱歉~ 不過有時候,我真的沒有寫作的靈感,我沒有辦法解釋為什麼,但是我想曾有過寫日記習慣的人應該就能了解我的意思。

在我的上一篇週記之後,真的發生了很多很多事情: 我的音樂書、拳神傳說、一堆在香港舉行的頒獎典禮、 在台灣拍攝新的眼鏡代言廣告,以及許許多多為了演唱會所做的準備工作。我跟整個演唱會的工作團隊都已經準備好要大展身手,做出一場驚人且難忘的演出了! 它將結合舞蹈、歌唱、樂器演奏,甚至是一場簡短關於"力宏的狂想世界"的歌舞劇演出, 這場演唱會相信一定會十分有趣和新鮮!


願世界和平, 力宏


Dear Friends,

Hello Hello Hello!

As you all may have guessed, I am spending every hour of every day preparing for the 02/02/02 concert in Hong Kong's Coliseum. I'm in great spirits, and feeling more fit than I have been in a long time. I'm really looking forward to the "Bu Ke Si Yi" concert with great anticipation, and I know I'll see many of you there...I can't believe it's almost showtime!!!

It's been a while since I wrote in my diary, and I apologize for not being more consistent, but sometimes, I'm just not inspired to write. I can't explain why, but I'm sure those of you who have kept diaries in the past know what I mean.

A lot has happened since my last dairy entry: my music book, "In the Name of Heroes", a whole slew of awards ceremonies in Hong Kong, and new commercial for eyeglasses in Taiwan, and lots and lots of concert preparation. The concert production team and I have gone to great lengths to give a performance that will be "unbelievable" and unforgettable. Complete with dancing, singing, instrument playing, and even a short musical theater performance about "Leehom's world of wild imagination", this concert is sure to be fun and fresh!

I'm off to rehearsal again, see you in Hong Kong!

peace on earth, Leehom

from sonymusicTW

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