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2001-04-30 14:45:27| 人氣30| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

color手記No.5-----Color May

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Dear Friends,

The new album is coming along really well! I have been spending everyday and every night recording new songs in Rochester, Boston, Singapore, Taiwan, or wherever else my music takes me. This week I am at Boston’s Futura Productions recording studio working with some of my friends from Berklee. The vibe here is one of creativity, energy and life! In my experience, there’s nothing quite as invigorating as making music with friends. When the new album comes out this summer, I hope you all will be able to feel this warm vibe.
It was quite an honor to be nominated for the Hong Kong movie awards as one of this year’s best new actors. Unfortunately, because I am completely absorbed in the production of my mew album, I could not attend this ceremony. Nonetheless, thank you for your support; this nomination has already given me more confidence and encouragement in the field of acting.
To all my friends and fans in Asia, I really miss seeing you guys at my concerts, autographing sessions, radio and TV shows. I promise I’ll be back as soon as at this album is finished with new songs and fresh ideas. Your e-mails and letters are appreciated as always.

Yours truly, Leehom


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