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2008-05-17 00:23:45| 人氣170| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[2008-05-16]A letter from Lee Hom

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四川有許多我們的歌迷,聽到那裡地震的消息,我腦海閃過的第一件事,就是內地歌迷會會長,Eric 他正是四川成都人!在第一時間我們立刻試著和 Eric 連絡,直到最後收到 Eric 報平安的回信,才喘了一口氣,才放心了。

雖然發生了這樣空前的災難,但你們的表現卻給了我無限的感動及溫暖,你們決定相約 在 5月 17 日集體去捐錢捐血,有錢出錢有力出力,把救災的愛心當成送給我今年生日的禮物…你們這樣的體貼,這樣自動自發的表現,實在讓我引以為傲,因為這個生日禮物,不僅是屬於我,這將會是讓我們大家都有所感受的一個經驗。

由於身為世界展望會亞洲代言人的關係,我第一時間所想到的,就是如何透過世界展望會即有的救災經驗及資源,把我們每個人小小的力量,在最短時間內,有效的凝聚在一起。經過數天的討論,決定用我個人捐贈的 300 萬台幣為開始,讓世界展望替我們設立一個【王力宏歌迷會四川賑災救援專戶】的專屬救災捐款帳戶,希望計畫捐款的歌迷朋友們,能踴躍的透過這個管道,展現你們的愛心!
捐款網址: http://i-payment.worldvision.org.tw/offering.php?op=brief&orgid=63

另外,除了救災捐款,在我2007 年寮國之旅所寫成的心情日記-【生命的禮讚-王力宏寮國關懷之旅紀念冊】也即將出版。這本書所有的收入,也將全數捐贈給世界展望會,作為四川賑災之用。




Dear Friends,

In an instant, millions of lives have been forever changed. The earthquake in Sichuan may be China’s worst natural disaster in over three decades...words cannot express the pain, sorrow and loss I feel for the victims and their families.

Your online messages from all around the world echo humanity, compassion, and encouragement. It’s obvious that Sichuan’s situation is the first thing on our minds and hearts these days. There is a lot we can, and will do, to help.

Ourhome China has many members in Sichuan. When the earthquake first struck, I immediately thought of you all, including our China Fan club president Eric, who lives in Chengdu. We were able to contact Eric at first notice, and we are thankful and relieved that he and his family are safe. My thoughts continue to be with all of you. You are all in my daily prayers.

Many of you have expressed wishes for a way we can contribute together, as a team. Today, the NGO World Vision set up an account especially for us called, "王力宏四川賑災救援專戶 " (Wang Leehom Sichuan Disaster Relief Account).

You can access our account at this address:

I have made an initial deposit of 3 million NTD, and invite all of you to contribute any amount whatsoever to this fund. No amount is too small. 100% of this fund will go to the relief effort in Sichuan, and World Vision is already active there. They have already pledged an initial 2 million USD to help over 107,000 people. With our contribution we can give even more victims a chance for survival.

Please forward this address to your friends and families, and together, let’s meet disaster with strength, hope, love and unified support!


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