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2004-10-15 13:09:45| 人氣45| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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想起 上個月瓶子提過的那間 小火鍋店

那是間 小小的不怎起眼的店

因為蠻便宜 加上學生沒蝦米錢 還有東西還不錯吃


瓶子喜歡喝熱湯 ^^~ 不過都蠻呆的 眼鏡有時忘了拿下來都會起一層霧

真可愛呀 哈~


中午下課時 阿道 鴻昌 新耀 跟我 有時也會約去那間

大學的課業好馬幾 嗚嗚~ 以前要考試都靠他們幫偶低 借偶筆記去copy

阿道快退伍嚕 鴻昌跟新耀都在工作 好久沒聚在一起了

Ryan Cabrera - on the way down

Sick and tired of this world
There's no more air
Tripping over myself, going nowhere
Waiting, suffocating, no direction
I took a dive and

On the way down
I saw you, and you saved me from myself
And I won't forget the way you loved me
And on the way down
I almost fell right through
But I held on to you

Been wondering why it's only me
Have you always been inside waiting to breathe
It's alright, sunlight on my face
I wake up and yet, I'm alive 'cuz


I was so afraid of going under
But now, the weight of the world
Feels like nothing, no nothing
(down, down, down)
You're all I wanted
(down, down, down)
You're all I needed
(down, down, down)
You're all I wanted
You're all I needed

And I won't forget the way you loved me
All that I wanted, all that I needed now

台長: d r y a d
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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