Every time I think of you
I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine, but it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes and it's what nobody knows
And every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You say the words that I can't say
I feel fine and I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
Every time I see you falling I'll
Get down on my knees and pray;
I'm waiting for the final moment you'll
Say the words that I can't say.
然後 還有兩個明明就可以在一起很甜蜜的死傢伙 卻在硬ㄍㄧㄣ
最後 還爬到我家的版版打情罵俏
真是................ 羨慕死我了
請原諒我 我想大喊一聲 s h i t ~~~~~~~~ 不公平呀~
如果可以的話 我現在會想學 "我的老婆未滿18歲" 裡的女主角(twins)
失戀時 在大雨裡獨舞 然後大叫說 "有人在這失戀啦~ 有人受傷了~ 有沒有人呀~~
但 沒失戀做啥講那句台詞呀 = = 而且應該會被當瘋子
然後 會被那些被吵醒的人追殺 最重要的是 我家外面沒下雨
蓮蓬頭也只能在浴缸用 and 我離18歲很遠了 最後 我不是女的 沒人會可憐我
我 正在等妳呀 大笨蛋 >"< 等妳願意陪我去吃飯,逛街,環遊世界呀......
sorry... 我似乎講的太扯了點... 環遊世界要等中樂透再說 = =b
死阿肥 還不跟我說 喜歡的女生叫蝦米名字
阿好呀~ = =+ 你完了 要去你家拆硬碟了 (磨"羅賴把"in')
該睡嚕 該睡嚕 改天再把wicker park給妳好了 我最愛的wicker park