Haven’t write for nearly a month because my pc has died....diagnose with severe virus >.< Still not format it so I need to use netbook in this period of time.
AL again (nearly end)...no plan and nothing to do at all but I wake before 9AM everyday. People think I am crazy but I really can’t sleep so much! Sure that I slept early and well everynight (although dreams sometime) and feel good every morning.
Interview done a week ago so I am now waiting for the offer...how long I need to wait? I don’t know but I really want to quit here as soon as possible. Cos of unhappy and cos of hating the ICN job. Can I resign before I get the offer??? >.<
You are so busy recently (actually you are always busy =P ) but this is one of the reasons I love...love your positive energy and attitude...and I will always support and stand beside (behide) you. We are always together and I never forget what you told me...about our future...^.^ Thanks for giving me energy in my life.
Start two lessons with my "Little Dream". It’s hard in the beginning, I need to add oil for that and hope I can do it well later on. I really love it so much....^.^
P.S. Negative feeling have been come few days before (maybe too boring in the AL) but I resume normal and keep happy mood till now! ^0^ (Stupid B)