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【sigh verse】

cannt undestand why
i feels so sad even in the daylight ...
for lost last of piece jigsaw puzzle
to loss the beautiful nightmare
oh...the un-exist paradise

to drug taking too baffle and dying
with the poems from a crying rose
with a dream of colorful
by the butterfly which already
fly away and never comeback...

the emptyness of my survived
just like a vampire without blood
and still shed bleed from inside
and never be buried and rest

instead of my spirit with an oaf,
since loss my heart coz' she taken away.
a white rose tear my love,
from the silence moment of admire the verse she had wroted,
from my un-speaking sweet dream when she gone.



it's useless
let go
the last blossom flower already loss
the spring already gone.

let go
although the gardener still watching
although seed sowing even
the rain are replace with sweat and tears

let go
the love-boat were sinking never appearing on
top of the waves

let go,
let silent and peaceful to burn out
my uncontroling volcano.

the tree will hardly turn around bit by bit
become a petrifaction when that time
should we call that
the eternity what we waiting...


To adds a drop of blood for the rose blue,
so love raised just like violet`s bud.
To decorated with silance waiting on ur sight and sigh,then
the missing will be strong like the past day-dream.

To built a castle with fancy in the air,
to grasp the age with spark and memory,
that is what we had seeks and love to but sad.
`cause of try to keep the period of the multicolor which showing upon the dew
cann`t lid on the dark and resist the rays of the sun.

The cycle of bule and red never stop due to love,
this is the destiny of the purple of the God Muse giving for...

台長: 路痕
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 戲夢人生【詩】 |

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