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2010-09-19 14:04:09| 人氣174| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I realized

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she exchanged a lot of Microphones.Actually she's a deaf~she never hear anyone's voice including anyone~Her world is slience~

She stayed her own room. She read everything by her eyes.When she wake up again. She hear everyone 's voice.But She didn't understand what everyone's thinking~She's a very simple girl.She need to take time to understand what people are talking about.~She feels amazing .She left her silent snow world. 

She thought what's language?

Someone ask her.Do you feel the prayer is working?

Her wish is that she can hear the voice.

She answer~Yes,it come true~

I have realized...your mind

台長: Lovedrin


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