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2010-02-27 14:45:43| 人氣264| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Honne to Tatemae

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@. o/ \, V  d/ w'
The japanese are coming into contact with people from other conuntries more and more these days and have to communicate with those who have cultural values that are markedly different form their own.in intercultural values that are makedly different from their own.in intercultural communication.the Japanese need to be familiar with the customs and attitudes of non-Japanese people,but they need to understand their own cultural values .

These two words are often considered a dichotomy contrasting genuinely-held personal feeling and opinions form those that
are socially controlled.Honne is one's deep motive or intention.

日本人不喜歡直言 ,說話很婉轉有時聽的人根本不會知道他內心真正的想法,其實這不算是欺騙他人,而是因為大多數希望場面和諧,不傷到對方的心情。搞禮數(用一句台灣話來說)


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台長: Lovedrin
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