I always felt I prevented them.But what sense of hope or satisfation could a reader derive from ending like that? this is wealness or evasion,but a final act kidness .I gave their happiness they deserve.
A Letter
Dear Miss Morland,consider the deadful nature of the suspicions you have enterained .What have you been judging from?Remeber the country and the age in which we live.Remeber we are English:that we are Christians.Counsult your own understanding,you own sense of the probable, you own oberservation of what is passing around you.Does our education prepare us for such atrocities?Do our laws connive at them?Could they be prepared without being known in a country like this,where social and literary intercourse is on such a footing,where every man is surrounded by a neighbourhood of voluntary spies,and where roads and newspapers lay everything open?Dearest Miss Morland,what ideas have you been admitting?
They had reached the end of the gallery;and with tears of shame she ran off to her own room.
The End
I gave them happiness,but I was not so self-serving as to let them forgive me.Not quite ,not yet.If I had power to conjure them at my birthday celebration....Robbie and Cecillia still alive,still in love,sitting by side in the library,smiling at The Trails Arabella?It's not impossible.
But now I must sleep.