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2006-06-11 20:05:45| 人氣11| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Red To Black --- 黑暗堡壘

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"Red To Black"

I had a friend named Victor
The two of us used to hang every single day
And it seemed like overnight
That his whole life just changed
I know when his mom and dad broke up
It didn’t make sense
But i know that his dad was a drunk
And he gambled away the rent

Pretty soon Vic was seeing red
Pissed off and instead
Hed drink every night until he passed out
And then hed do it all again
The whole time spelling on the outside
To cover the pain
But on the inside
All he was trying to do was get away

Trying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday
Go slipping through the cracks

PIC:我的新帽子 哥給的!

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