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2007-09-26 22:11:57
2007-09-26 21:54:32
2007-09-26 20:12:35


與澄藍的海連成一線 逐漸暗下的藍天 月亮隱約露出臉 散落天際的點點星光 似乎訴說著古代遠久的神話 微風輕拂著髮絲 浪潮輕拍著沙岸 淚水也輕吻著面頰 有幾次好想告訴你 這次哭並不是為你...

2007-09-25 20:11:57
2007-09-25 11:04:34

太過分哩= ="

今天要出門 我在準備東西 我媽先ㄑ發車 當我準備東西都弄好哩 穿好鞋子 走下ㄑ 發現我媽已經開車要走哩 我再後面一直追 哪知道 我媽踩油門 咻就開走哩- - 太過分哩 !! 我媽是以為我已經在車上ㄌ唷 還是 ㄊ完全忘記...

2007-09-25 10:53:53
2007-09-25 10:47:35


I is it blame you enough for firmness whether I do not give that you do not waver how I blame you give heart , others of you whether I do not hold with a firm grip palm that you wait for I should bles...

2007-09-25 09:23:20

心情 點滴

Candy sour to love like the lemon sweet in among them while being sweet while being sweet like practical joke Big hands are warm and thick tightly will not go all out to protect me 像惡作劇...

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