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2007-12-28 10:48:22| 人氣12,877| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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* Happy Wedding!
* Blessings fill every house!
* Always be in love!
* Have a hearty marriage life!
* May Heaven and Earth bless the couple!
* Be a harmonious union forever!
* Extends the best blessing!
* Will joyfully be willing joyfully happy forever to accompany about you!
* Our Wedding Day!
* Together Forever!
* Happiness Begins Today!
* May joy and happiness be around you always!


Dear XXX (his/her name), You are a part of me, I cannot live without you. You are the most important person in my life. When I am sad, you lend me your kind ears and shoulders. When I am happy, you are always there to share the laughter. No matter you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad; I would always take care and support my best-half, you, in my whole life! XXX (his/her name), I love you, truly, deeply and forever.

台長: LittleDust
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