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[PAYPAL] Paypal對於Donate捐贈捐款的新審核機制?

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[經驗] Paypal對於Donate捐贈捐款的新審核機制?

過去有使用過Paypal Donate(捐贈,捐款)功能的人們應該都會知道,
可以自行在自己設計的軟體,或是自己架設的網站網頁, 或是論壇裡面,
嵌入一個Donate的捐贈圖示, 提供一個給其他網友們資助自己的管道...

不適合的地方有兩個原因, 我先說明過, 還是覺得無妨再去嵌入吧!

1. 在中文網站或是中文軟體的環境下, 請人捐款捐贈是相當困難的...
2. 當你收到第一筆捐款之後, 可能得接受Paypal新的審核制度???


我放了Donate捐贈功能 在我的3~4個網站裡, 還有[Buy me a beer]的捐贈plun-in嵌在論壇裡,至少好幾年了...
這幾年間從未收到過任何捐贈, 所以我也幾乎忘了它的存在...

(在此我特別感謝捐贈給我的那位恩人,讓我意識到原來我加入的Paypal Donate捐贈功能的確是正常可以使用的!)


Dear xx,

As part of PayPal's Compliance Program, we request that entities wishing to
accept donations on behalf of a charity or other Non-Profit Organization
(NPO) provide evidence of their legitimacy. Because you classified your
business as a Charity/Non-Profit Organization (NPO), we have requested
additional information from you.

If you are not operating a non-profit organization, please send us an email
at compliance -at- paypal.com . Please explain how you intend to use this PayPal
Account in the future. Specifically, we ask that you (1) explain how
PayPal will be used as your payment provider, (2) list the products and
services you offer, and (3) list the activities that you will engage in
during the normal course of your business.

If you are using this account for your non-profit organization, please
provide evidence of (1) your non-profit organization's tax-exempt status,
(2) your website URL and/or a mission statement, and (3) a voided check or
bank statement to show that the bank account that is attached to your
PayPal Account belongs to the non-profit organization.
You can upload information or fax it to us. To begin, visit the Resolution
Center and click "Resolve" under "Steps to Remove Limitation."

If you are faxing the information, please provide the requested information
to 1-303-395-2862 ATTN: Compliance – Due Diligence. Please use the cover
page provided by PayPal. The cover page contains information specific to
you and using it ensures that your documents are routed and handled in a
timely manner. To print the cover page, log into your account and click on
the fax documents link on the "We Require Additional Information About Your
Account" page.

Please remember to include your email address as registered on your PayPal
Account on any correspondence or faxed items. We are unable to open
attachments to emails due to security precautions. Once we have received
and reviewed the aforementioned material, we reserve the right to ask
additional questions on your policies and procedures.

Send any questions to compliance -at- paypal.com

Your assistance and expediency in this matter is appreciated.

Responses to this email address are not monitored. Please send any
additional questions that you may have to compliance -at- paypal.com

所以,我才會直覺的想到, 我是否違反了 paypal的什麼關於捐贈的政策!

雖然審核中, 一樣可以使用PAYPAL帳戶的各種功能!

但是, 萬一審核沒通過下場會怎樣???
裡面根本沒提到審核失敗會如何啊! 只是禁止將來不能再用Donate捐贈功能還好.
假如, 為了1美元而被做出其它奇怪的判定的話豈不是糟透了啊!

即使我討厭死英文, 這下子還是得乖乖的翻單字,來查閱EMAIL裡面到底說些什麼.
儘管我根本不了解它問的是什麼意思, 我還是儘量猜想而回覆該信件到指定信箱去!

我不是NPO組織, 並且回答三個問題. (其中光是activity這個辭彙, 我就不知道該翻譯成 活動 還是 行動...)

I have a paypal account,
I get a email, it want me to explain something...

I am a person only, and I am not operating a NPO(non-profit organization),

My paypal email: $$$$ (Case ID PP-707-$$$-002.)

This is my answer:

(1) explain how PayPal will be used as your payment provider:

I provide some chinese website, to free teach everybody how to get free
resources ,
everyone can get the information from my websites,
I don't receive any money from these users and guests.

and I also show my paypal donate link on my websites,
if they want to support my websites, they can sponsor me by paypal donate.

(2) list the products and services you offer:

I create some chinese website,
http:// $$$1
a website to get free antivirus knowledge and compuetr hardware software skills ...
http:// $$$2
a website to teach how to use paypal, alertpay, and tax , insurance , manage finances ...
http:// $$$3
a forum about lottery, eveone can chat here.
http:// $$$4
a website to show information about lottery, pets, social stories...

(3) list the activities that you will engage in during the normal course of
your business:

I offer free resources to everyone, but website need money to continued,
so I need some money donate by people who likes my websites.

I will continue to offer free resource , people can get knowledge and
without pay anything.

Thank you!

好在隔天就通過審核, 解除危機了!
不然, 我真的會著急嚇死囉...

說真的, 我搞不清楚我這個是特例,
還是這陣子只要第一次收到捐贈金, 就會被詢問是否是NPO組織, 要求回答三個問題?

只為了那多年才出現一次的罕見珍貴的捐贈金, 我鐵定不會嵌入那個Donate捐贈的元件啊...

大概的經過情形, 就如上所述.

萬一沒通過的話, 下場會是如何呢?
怎樣? 從未使用過Donate的網站站長們, 也想試看看捐贈捐款是否存在這個審核機制嗎?

台長: 包子Liou (流&溯)

是 (本台目前設定為強制悄悄話)
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