The project for Concept of Design class this week is ”Three Steps”—designing an object to invite users to make three steps. The goal is to bring users an experience of moving through the space. Users should be able to interact with it without verbal communications from the designers.
I was teamed up with Nivedita, an architecture major from India. Our first discussion this morning was pleasant and rewarding. We appreciated eache other’s ideas and came up with five concepts for further development.
She directed the whole discussion in a very organized manner. Her ideas are all well supported by the theories of different scholars. I was amazed by her broad thinking. I am of the opposite "out-of-the-box”style, as she described. The contrast makes us a wonderful team because we always have different prospectives and never run out of new ideas.
Most people I’ve met at Pratt are smart. They have different personalities. Some are easygoing, some are aggressive, and some have a leader-like charisma. It is such an intriguing learning environment.