When she heard that I sent all my salary to the family,
She shows an ”unbelievable” face and say:
”You are such kind a greatness woman I ever seen......”
She said if she were me, she will refuse to donate all money out and taught the man to earn for family as his responsibility.
Am I being greatness or be stupid?
There is no answer for this question, and who could make a better decision?
My problem is simple but hard to solve right now.
We ever had happy days but shorts of investment sensibility. The things goes worse because we made wrong decision together, I couldn’t blame him for this, since his career plan I had agreed and supported two years ago.
So who could I blame to? How could I leave him for such big economic pressure?
If I didn’t take all these payment, could we still be a family now?
When the article says man is just a money making machine and how poor a woman do every house keeping and children rising work..........
How could I response with this?
My man didn’t bring any money back and I still need to do both job and house keeping work............
Am I being greatness or be foolish?
If she were in my position, will she do better decision?
Will she leave the family goes broken just for keeping her salary?
Will she leave support for her husband because she wants to be a ”happy, independent” woman?
Will she give up children’s school learning because that’s ”Daddy’s job”?
I don’t know if I am a greatness woman or a dunce......
I just know I want to be survived under this tragedy life,
I just want to get children well growing,
I just hope everybody could be happy,
I just need more income to solve my problem now,
I just wish all my family could be the same as before,
Although everything is different now and ever…...