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自序. 林煥彰





The Kite and the Fish

1         一個古代的小漁村,村民都淳樸,都知足喜樂,每天都過著快樂的捕魚生活;他們捕魚都不貪求太多;需要吃多少,才捕多少。每天都很快樂的唱著捕魚歌……

Once upon a time there was a fishing village where all the fishermen spoke only what was true, meant exactly what they said, and were very contented with their lives. Every day they went happily out to sea in their fishing boats, but the fishermen were careful to catch only the amount of fish they needed—just enough and no more. Their minds were free of greed, and while they fished, they sang an ancient fishermen’s song:


2    海,湛藍的,平靜的,波光粼粼,一望無際;


The sea is azure, calm, and spacious;

Waves shimmer on its surface.

The sky is sunny, clear, and spacious;

Cool winds gently fan the water.


2         有天,漁人在捕魚;那是秋天的早晨,幾艘小漁船在海中,它們只輕輕的隨著漁人撒網的動作,輕輕的搖晃著,好像配合漁人撒網輕快的律動,哼唱著一首古老的漁歌;快樂捕魚的漁歌……

One clear autumn morning, the fishermen were onboard their boats fishing far out at sea. The boats had their anchors down, and they bobbed gently to and fro on the waves as the fishermen threw their nets out upon the water. The boats seemed to move to the rhythm of the fishermen’s actions, and as they worked, the fishermen happily sang their ancient fishermen’s song.


3         一隻鳶鳥,天生的捕魚高手;突然,不知打哪兒飛來,在一個漁人撒網的背後,只見牠十分敏捷,一貼近海面,喙裡就叼出一條活蹦亂跳的大鯖魚!

Suddenly a bird known to all the fishermen as a kite—a born fish catcher—came out of nowhere. The kite agilely flew down from the sky right behind one of the fishermen who was busy throwing his net out over the water. It skimmed the surface of the water and caught a lively mackerel in its beak.


4         啊!一群烏鴉,一群黑壓壓的鳥,也不知打哪兒飛來,直盯著鳶鳥嘴裡叼著的那條大鯖魚;飛過來,飛過來,集體飛過來,包圍著鳶鳥,如一團烏雲,在漁人捕魚的上空,追逐著……

Oh! But just at that moment, a group of crows also came out of nowhere greedily eyeing the mackerel in the beak of the kite. The crows darted here and there together and surrounded the kite like a cluster of dark clouds. They were chasing the kite around in the sky right above the fishermen.


5         鳶鳥警覺到:大事不妙,怎麼有這麼多想不勞而獲的貪吃鬼,要搶我口中的美食?

The kite knew this was a dangerous situation. There were so many greedy crows waiting to rob the delicious food from its beak!


6         可是,不論鳶鳥飛東飛西,滿天成千的烏鴉都緊跟著牠,強追不捨;因為牠嘴裡叼著的是一條美味新鮮的大鯖魚。

But no matter if the kite flew up, down, right, or left, still the tens of thousands of crows followed closely for the sake of the delicious, fresh mackerel.


7         一圈,兩圈,三圈……不論是誰,飛久了總該會累吧!

The kite and the crows circled around once, twice, three times, and more.

The kite must surely be getting tired of flying for such a long time.


8. 鳶鳥飛累了,口也渴了;牠嘴巴張開,原來叼著的大鯖魚,從高空掉落海裡……

Then it happened. The kite became so tired and thirsty that it opened its mouth. When this happened, the mackerel fell from the sky into the sea.


9  海,依舊是湛藍的,平靜的,波光粼粼,一望無際;


The sea is azure, calm, and spacious;

Waves shimmer on its surface.

The sky is sunny, clear, and spacious;

 Cool winds gently fan the water.


10     鳶鳥俯衝到了海面,喝足了水,又飛上高空,牠恢復了體力,天空也恢復了平靜;

The kite quickly dived down to the surface of the water, drank enough water to quench its thirst, and then flew up into the sky again. The kite was now filled with energy again, and the sky became very quiet.


11     鳶鳥鬆了一口氣,心想:少吃一條魚,也沒什麼大不了;天空這麼晴朗,海,這麼湛藍,我優閒輕鬆的在海天之間盤旋,自由自在飛翔,應該就是最好的享受吧!

The kite felt very much at ease, thinking that it was not such a big deal after all to lose the mackerel. It looked at the sky—so clear—and the sea—still blue. The best enjoyment, it thought, was to fly freely and easily through the sky.


12     而那群烏鴉,成千的,黑壓壓的鳥,還是朝著那條大鯖魚剛剛落下的地方繼續追逐……

What happened to the crows? Those tens of thousands of crows continued to chase after the falling mackerel, seeing nothing else except the falling fish.


13     漁船停在海中,輕輕的搖擺著,海風徐徐的吹拂……

The boats were still gently rocking to the rhythm of the waves and the wind was still gently blowing across the surface of the sea.



The contented fishermen were still sitting in their boats moving with the waves and singing the ancient fishermen’s song. They appreciated the rosy setting sun in the sky and looked at the kite flying easily and freely with a group of playful seagulls.


台長: 林煥彰
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