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2006-02-08 20:25:49| 人氣105| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I’m talkin’ ’bout love
All my girls stand up in a circle
And clap your hands this is for you
Ups and downs highs and lows
No matter what you see me through
My boyfriend he don’t answer on the telephone
I don’t even know where the hell he goes
But all my girls we’re in a circle
And nobody’s gonna break through
L, O, L, O, L, O, L O V E
L, O, L, O, L, O
Oh, did you hear me say
I’m talking about
I’m talking about love
Say you’ll be my girls for life
Girls for life
Oh hold off I need another one
I think you, you do too
Grab my bag, got my own money
Don’t need a man in this room
My boyfriend he’ll be calling me now anytime
I need all girls to keep him off my mind
So hold up we need another one
What we got is all good
Love is an energy
Love is a mystery
Love is meant to be true
Love is a part of me
Love is the heart of me
Love is the best thing that we do



台長: 鵝ㄝ*
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