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OPEN COMPETITION FOR 8th Comic Showroom VELES 2010


- Participation is open to all comic works artists from all over the world.全世界漫畫創作者均可參加。
- Comic works entries can be from 1 to 6 pages long, minimum 3 pictures and must be sent in A4 format (21x29, 7cm). Send only good print copy (300 dpi), the comic works will not be returned! 參賽作品:A4尺寸,1-6頁,300dpi,恕不退件
- Theme is free 主題不限
- Comic works will be to send through post and e-mail.可用郵件或網路送件。
- The text for the comic works can be on: Macedonian language (for the Macedonian authors), English, or one of the languages from EX JY countries (for the authors from these countries).創作語言:懂馬其頓語的人應該不多,用英文即可)
- Each artist(scenario,pencils ,inks,color…) can take part with only one comic works.一人限一件作品參賽
- The comic works entries can be submitted by more than one artist (but please specify who does what: scenario, pencils, inks, color...).可以多人合作,但須註明每人工作範圍

-Each participant must send: photography, short biography along with personal address, telephone, e-mail and the year when the comic works is made. Without this the submission will not be considered.參賽者須附上照片、英文簡介、英文地址、電話與mail以及作品創作年份,如果缺少以上任何一項,報名不會被接受。

- All submitted comic works will be represented properly and will take part on the Showroom in Veles, and other really possibilities for promotion.主辦單位會適當地展示所有參賽作品,部分可能拿去宣傳用。

- The best comic works will be selected by three member jury, which will give following awards:獎項

1st award: “The Golden Comic works”, logo and diploma 首獎:金漫畫獎,獎狀與獎盃(?)
2nd and 3rd award a diploma. 二獎與三獎可獲得獎狀
Best scenario (script) award a diploma 最佳編劇獎:獎狀
Award for the youngest author –a diploma 最年輕優秀漫畫家獎:獎狀
Award up to 18 years - a diploma 18歲以上組最佳作者獎:獎狀

收件截止日期 2010/9/25
The deadline for entries is September 25 , 2010 y.
and the comic works must be sent to the following address:


Comic centre for Macedonia
“For the Comic competition”
“Vasil Gorgov” street No 78,
1400 Veles, R. Macedonia


Or through e-mail: comicmk@yahoo.com

台長: lilou

2010-05-09 00:27:37

2010-05-09 03:49:14
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