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1994 MB電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 Movie Buff Film Awards

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最佳影片 Best Film
《暴雨將至》Before the Rain
《重慶森林》Chungking Express
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《以父之名》In the Name of the Father
《黑色追緝令》Pulp Fiction
《長日將盡》The Remains of the Day
《銀色、性、男女》Short Cuts
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue
《紅色情深》Three Colors: Red
《橄欖樹下的情人》Through the Olive Trees
最佳導演 Directing
王家衛《重慶森林》Wong Kar Wai for Chungking Express
詹姆斯艾佛利《長日將盡》James Ivory for The Remains of the Day
勞勃阿特曼《銀色、性、男女》Robert Altman for Short Cuts
克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基《藍色情挑》Krzysztof Kieślowski for Three Colors: 
克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基《紅色情深》Krzysztof Kieślowski for Three Colors: 
最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
丹尼爾戴路易斯《以父之名》Daniel Day-Lewis in In the Name of the Father
小勞勃道尼《卓別林和他的情人》Robert Downey, Jr. in Chaplin
葛優《活著》Ge You in To Live
安東尼霍普金斯《長日將盡》Anthony Hopkins in The Remains of the Day
尚路易坦提尼翁《紅色情深》Jean-Louis Trintignant in Three Colors: Red
最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
茱麗葉畢諾許《藍色情挑》Juliette Binoche in Three Colors: Blue
陳冲《紅玫瑰白玫瑰》Joan Chen in Red Rose White Rose
依蓮雅各《紅色情深》Irène Jacob in Three Colors: Red
蜜雪兒菲佛《純真年代》Michelle Pfeiffer in The Age of Innocence
艾瑪湯普遜《長日將盡》Emma Thompson in The Remains of the Day
最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
尚雨格安格拉德《瑪歌皇后》Jean-Hugues Anglade in Queen Margot
李奧納多狄卡皮歐《戀戀情深》Leonardo DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape
瑞夫范恩斯《辛德勒的名單》Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List
彼特波斯托斯維特《以父之名》Pete Postlethwaite in In the Name of the Father
蓋瑞辛尼斯《阿甘正傳》Gary Sinise in Forrest Gump
最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
張曼玉《東邪西毒》Maggie Cheung in Ashes of Time
歸亞蕾《飲食男女》Gui Ya Lei in Eat Drink Man Woman
薇娜莉西《瑪歌皇后》Virna Lisi in Queen Margot
薇諾娜瑞德《純真年代》Winona Ryder in The Age of Innocence
艾瑪湯普遜《以父之名》Emma Thompson in In the Name of the Father
最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《暴雨將至》Before the Rain
《重慶森林》Chungking Express
《黑色追緝令》Pulp Fiction
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue
《紅色情深》Three Colors: Red
最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《東邪西毒》Ashes of Time
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《以父之名》In the Name of the Father
《長日將盡》The Remains of the Day
《辛德勒的名單》Schindler's List
《銀色、性、男女》Short Cuts
最佳藝術指導 Art Direction; Set Decoration
《純真年代》The Age of Innocence
《夜訪吸血鬼》Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
《紅玫瑰白玫瑰》Red Rose White Rose
《長日將盡》The Remains of the Day
《紅色情深》Three Colors: Red
最佳攝影 Cinematography
《純真年代》The Age of Innocence
《東邪西毒》Ashes of Time
《辛德勒的名單》Schindler's List
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue
《紅色情深》Three Colors: Red
最佳服裝設計 Costume Design
《純真年代》The Age of Innocence
《沙漠妖姬》Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
《瑪歌皇后》Queen Margot
《紅玫瑰白玫瑰》Red Rose White Rose
《長日將盡》The Remains of the Day
最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《東邪西毒》Ashes of Time
《重慶森林》Chungking Express
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《長日將盡》The Remains of the Day
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue
最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《純真年代》The Age of Innocence
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《辛德勒的名單》Schindler's List
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue
《紅色情深》Three Colors: Red
最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
"Al Otro Lado Del Rio" 詞曲:荷黑德雷克斯雷《革命前夕的摩托車日記》
Music and Lyric by Jorge Drexler from The Motorcycle Diaries
"Can You Feel the Love Tonight"《獅子王》The Lion King
"Circle of Life"《獅子王》The Lion King
"Streets of Philadelphia"《費城》Philadelphia
最佳音效 Sound
《迫切的危機》Clear and Present Danger
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《辛德勒的名單》Schindler's List
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue
最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《聖誕夜驚魂》The Nightmare Before Christmas
《魔鬼大帝:真實謊言》True Lies

最佳影片 Best Film
《暴雨將至》Before the Rain
《重慶森林》Chungking Express
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《以父之名》In the Name of the Father
《黑色追緝令》Pulp Fiction
《長日將盡》The Remains of the Day
《銀色、性、男女》Short Cuts
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue
《紅色情深》Three Colors: Red
《橄欖樹下的情人》Through the Olive Trees

最佳導演 Directing
王家衛《重慶森林》Wong Kar Wai for Chungking Express
★ 詹姆斯艾佛利《長日將盡》James Ivory for The Remains of the Day
勞勃阿特曼《銀色、性、男女》Robert Altman for Short Cuts
★ 克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基《藍色情挑》Krzysztof Kieślowski for Three Colors: Blue
克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基《紅色情深》Krzysztof Kieślowski for Three Colors: Red

最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
丹尼爾戴路易斯《以父之名》Daniel Day-Lewis in In the Name of the Father
小勞勃道尼《卓別林和他的情人》Robert Downey, Jr. in Chaplin
葛優《活著》Ge You in To Live
★ 安東尼霍普金斯《長日將盡》Anthony Hopkins in The Remains of the Day
尚路易坦提尼翁《紅色情深》Jean-Louis Trintignant in Three Colors: Red

最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
茱麗葉畢諾許《藍色情挑》Juliette Binoche in Three Colors: Blue
陳冲《紅玫瑰白玫瑰》Joan Chen in Red Rose, White Rose
依蓮雅各《紅色情深》Irène Jacob in Three Colors: Red
蜜雪兒菲佛《純真年代》Michelle Pfeiffer in The Age of Innocence
★ 艾瑪湯普遜《長日將盡》Emma Thompson in The Remains of the Day

最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
尚雨格安哥拉德《瑪歌皇后》Jean-Hugues Anglade in Queen Margot
★ 李奧納多狄卡皮歐《戀戀情深》Leonardo DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape
瑞夫范恩斯《辛德勒的名單》Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List
彼特波斯托斯維特《以父之名》Pete Postlethwaite in In the Name of the Father
蓋瑞辛尼斯《阿甘正傳》Gary Sinise in Forrest Gump

最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
張曼玉《東邪西毒》Maggie Cheung in Ashes of Time
歸亞蕾《飲食男女》Gui Ya Lei in Eat Drink Man Woman
薇娜莉西《瑪歌皇后》Virna Lisi in Queen Margot
薇諾娜瑞德《純真年代》Winona Ryder in The Age of Innocence
★ 艾瑪湯普遜《以父之名》Emma Thompson in In the Name of the Father

最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
《暴雨將至》米柯曼徹夫斯基 Milcho Manchevski for Before the Rain
《重慶森林》王家衛 Wong Kar Wai for Chungking Express
《黑色追緝令》故事:羅傑艾佛利、昆丁塔倫提諾;劇本:昆丁塔倫提諾 Story: Roger Avery and Quentin Tarantino; Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino for Pulp Fiction
《藍色情挑》克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基、克里斯多夫皮修維茨 Krzysztof Kieślowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz for Three Colors: Blue
《紅色情深》克里斯多夫奇士勞斯基、克里斯多夫皮修維茨 Krzysztof Kieślowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz for Three Colors: Red

最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
《東邪西毒》王家衛 Wong Kar Wai for Ashes of Time
《阿甘正傳》艾瑞克羅斯 Eric Roth for Forrest Gump
《以父之名》泰瑞喬治、吉姆薛瑞登 Terry George and Jim Sheridan for In the Name of the Father
《長日將盡》露絲普勞沃賈布瓦拉 Ruth Prawer Jhabvala for The Remains of the Day
《辛德勒的名單》史蒂芬柴利安 Steven Zaillian for Schindler's List
《銀色、性、男女》勞勃阿特曼、法蘭克巴希特 Robert Altman and Frank Barhydt for Short Cuts

最佳藝術指導;場景佈置 Art Direction; Set Decoration
《純真年代》丹泰費瑞提;勞勃J.法蘭柯、艾咪馬歇爾 Dante Ferretti; Robert J. Franco, Amy Marshall for The Age of Innocence
《夜訪吸血鬼》丹泰費瑞提;法蘭琪絲卡拉許亞佛 Dante Ferretti; Francesca Lo Schiavo for Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
《紅玫瑰白玫瑰》朴若木 Lai Pan for Red Rose, White Rose
《長日將盡》露西安娜阿利菲;伊恩惠特克 Luciana Arrighi; Ian Whittaker for The Remains of the Day
《紅色情深》克勞德勒諾瓦 Claude Lenoir for Three Colors: Red

最佳攝影 Cinematography
《純真年代》麥克波浩斯 Michael Ballhaus for The Age of Innocence
《東邪西毒》杜可風 Christopher Doyle for Ashes of Time
《辛德勒的名單》揚努茲卡敏斯基 Janusz Kaminski for Schindler's List
《藍色情挑》斯勞佛米爾伊吉亞克 Slawomir Idziak for Three Colors: Blue
《紅色情深》皮歐特索波辛斯基 Piotr Sobocinski for Three Colors: Red

最佳服裝設計 Costume Design
《純真年代》蓋布莉耶拉佩斯古奇 for Gabriella Pescucci for The Age of Innocence
《沙漠妖姬》提姆查派爾、莉姬嘉丹諾 Tim Chappel and Lizzy Gardiner for The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
《瑪歌皇后》莫伊黛爾畢凱 Moidele Bickel for Queen Margot
《紅玫瑰白玫瑰》朴若木 Lai Pan for Red Rose, White Rose
《長日將盡》珍妮貝文、約翰布萊特 Jenny Beavan and John Bright for The Remains of the Day

最佳剪輯 Film Editing
《東邪西毒》奚傑偉、譚家明 Kai Kit Wai and Patrick Tam for Ashes of Time
《重慶森林》奚傑偉、張叔平、鄺志良 Kai Kit Wai, William Chang and Kong Chi Leung for Chungking Express
《阿甘正傳》亞瑟史密特 Arthur Schmidt for Forrest Gump
《長日將盡》安德魯馬可斯 Andrew Marcus for The Remains of the Day
《藍色情挑》賈克維塔 Jacques Witta for Three Colors: Blue

最佳原創配樂 Original Score
《純真年代》艾默伯恩斯坦 Elmer Bernstein for The Age of Innocence
《阿甘正傳》艾倫席維斯屈 Alan Silverstri for Forrest Gump
《辛德勒的名單》約翰威廉斯 John Williams for Schindler's List
《藍色情挑》季畢紐普瑞斯納 Zbigniew Preisner for Three Colors: Blue
《紅色情深》季畢紐普瑞斯納 Zbigniew Preisner for Three Colors: Red

最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
"Can You Feel the Love Tonight" 曲:艾爾頓強;詞:提姆萊斯《獅子王》Music by Elton John; Lyric by Tim Rice, from The Lion King
"Circle of Life" 曲:艾爾頓強;詞:提姆萊斯《獅子王》Music by Elton John; Lyric by Tim Rice, from The Lion King
"Philadelphia" 詞曲:尼爾楊《費城》Music and Lyric by Neil Young, from Philadelphia
★ "Streets of Philadelphia" 詞曲:布魯斯史賓斯汀《費城》Music and Lyric by Bruce Springsteen, from Philadelphia
「追」曲:李迪文;詞:林夕《金枝玉葉》"Pursuit," Music by Dick Lee; Lyric by Albert Leung, from He's a Woman, She's a Man

最佳音效 Sound
《迫切的危機》Clear and Present Danger
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《辛德勒的名單》Schindler's List
《藍色情挑》Three Colors: Blue

最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump
《聖誕夜驚魂》The Nightmare Before Christmas
《魔鬼大帝:真實謊言》True Lies

最佳動畫片特別獎 Animated Film Special Award
《獅子王》The Lion King

評選成員:牛頭犬、劉德湧、Alan Chu、保溫冰、喬治鎊 

台長: 喬治鎊

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