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1991 MB電影獎入圍暨得獎名單 Movie Buff Film Awards

推薦 1 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

最佳影片 Best Film
《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》A Brighter Summer Day
2.《沉默的羔羊》The Silence of the Lambs
3.《與狼共舞》Dances with Wolves
4.《阮玲玉》Center Stage
5.《末路狂花》Thelma & Louise
6.《奇幻城市》The Fisher King
7.《夢幻成真》Field of Dreams
8.《巴頓芬克》Barton Fink
9.《推手》Pushing Hands
10.《魔鬼終結者2》Terminator 2: Judgment Day

最佳導演 Best Directing
柯恩兄弟《巴頓芬克》Joel & Ethan Coen for Barton Fink
楊德昌《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》Edward Yang for A Brighter Summer Day
關錦鵬《阮玲玉》Stanley Kwan for Center Stage
凱文科斯納《與狼共舞》Kevin Costner for Dances with Wolves
★ 強納森戴米《沉默的羔羊》Jonathan Demme for The Silence of the Lambs

最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
勞勃狄尼洛《睡人》Robert De Niro in Awakenings
★ 安東尼霍普金斯《沉默的羔羊》Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs
傑瑞米艾恩斯《親愛的,是誰讓我沉睡了》Jeremy Irons in Reversal of Fortune
郎雄《推手》Lang Hsiung in Pushing Hands
羅賓威廉斯《奇幻城市》Robin Williams in The Fisher King

最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
凱西貝茲《戰慄遊戲》Kathy Bates in Misery
★ 張曼玉《阮玲玉》Maggie Cheung in Center Stage
茱蒂福斯特《沉默的羔羊》Jodie Foster in The Silence of the Lambs
蘇珊莎蘭登《末路狂花》Susan Sarandon in Thelma & Louise
梅莉史翠普《來自邊緣的明信片》Meryl Streep in Postcards from the Edge

最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
張國柱《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》John Chang in A Brighter Summer Day
★ 布魯斯戴維森《愛是生死相許》Bruce Davison in Longtime Companion
安迪嘉西亞《教父第三集》Andy Garcia in The Godfather: Part III
馬丁蘭道《愛與罪》Martin Landau in Crimes and Misdemeanors
傑克派連斯《城市鄉巴佬》Jack Palance for City Slickers

最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
安潔莉卡赫斯頓《愛與罪》Anjelica Huston in Crimes and Misdemeanors
金燕玲《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》Elaine Jin in A Brighter Summer Day
瑪莉麥克當奈爾《與狼共舞》Mary McDonnell in Dances with Wolves
梅賽笛絲露爾《奇幻城市》Mercedes Ruehl in The Fisher King
★ 王萊《推手》Wang Lai in Pushing Hands

最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
柯恩兄弟《巴頓芬克》Joel & Ethan Coen for Barton Fink
★ 楊德昌、閻鴻亞、楊順清、賴銘堂《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》Edward Yang, Yeng Hung-Ya, Alex Yang and Lai Ming-Tang for A Brighter Summer Day
伍迪艾倫《愛與罪》Woody Allen for Crimes and Misdemeanors
李察拉葛瑞凡尼斯《奇幻城市》Richard LaGravenese for The Fisher King
凱莉庫里《末路狂花》Callie Khouri for Thelma & Louise

最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
史蒂芬柴利安《睡人》Steven Zaillian for Awakenings
麥克布雷克《與狼共舞》Michael Blake for Dances with Wolves
菲爾艾登羅賓森《夢幻成真》Phil Alden Robinson for Field of Dreams
尼可拉斯卡山《親愛的,是誰讓我沉睡了》Nicholas Kazan for Reversal of Fortune
★ 泰德塔利《沉默的羔羊》Ted Tally for The Silence of the Lambs

最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
丹尼斯蓋斯納;萳西海《巴頓芬克》Dennis Gassner; Nancy Haigh for Barton Fink
余為彥、楊德昌《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》Yu Wei-Yen and Edward Yang for A Brighter Summer Day
★ 朴若木《阮玲玉》Pan Lai for Center Stage
波威爾區;雪若卡拉席克《剪刀手愛德華》Bo Welch; Cheryl Carasik for Edward Scissorhands
梅爾伯恩;辛蒂卡爾《奇幻城市》Mel Bourne; Cindy Carr for The Fisher King

最佳攝影 Cinematography
張惠恭《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》Chang Hui-Gong for A Brighter Summer Day
潘恆生《阮玲玉》Poon Hang Sang for Center Stage
★ 狄恩森姆勒《與狼共舞》Dean Semler for Dances with Wolves
亞當葛林柏格《魔鬼終結者2》Adam Greenberg for Terminator 2: Judgment Day
亞卓安畢多《末路狂花》Adrian Biddle for Thelma & Louise

最佳服裝設計 Costume Design
露絲梅爾斯《阿達一族》Ruth Meyers for The Addams Family
李察霍能《巴頓芬克》Richard Hornung for Barton Fink
★ 朴若木《阮玲玉》Pan Lai for Center Stage
茂里季歐米倫諾提《哈姆雷特》Maurizio Millenotti for Hamlet
安東尼鮑威爾《虎克船長》Anthony Powell for Hook

最佳剪輯 Film Editing
陳博文《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》Chen Bo-Wen for A Brighter Summer Day
張耀宗、姜全德《阮玲玉》Center Stage
★ 克瑞格麥凱《沉默的羔羊》Craig McKay for The Silence of the Lambs
康拉德巴夫四世、馬克高德布萊特、理查A.哈里斯《魔鬼終結者2》Conrad Buff IV, Mark Goldblatt, Richard A. Harris for Terminator 2: Judgment Day
湯姆諾柏《末路狂花》Thom Noble for Thelma & Louise

最佳原創配樂 Original Score
陳煥昌 (小蟲)《阮玲玉》Johnny Chen for Centre Stage
★ 約翰貝瑞《與狼共舞》John Barry for Dances with Wolves
詹姆斯紐頓霍華《伴你一生》James Newton Howard for Dying Young
詹姆斯宏納《夢幻成真》James Horner for Field of Dreams
霍華休爾《沉默的羔羊》Howard Shore for The Silence of the Lambs

最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
"(Everything I Do) I Do It for You" 曲:麥克坎曼;詞:布萊恩亞當斯、勞勃約翰蘭格《羅賓漢俠盜王子》Music by Michael Kamen ; Lyric by Bryan Adams and Robert John Lange from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
"I'm Checkin' Out" 詞曲:雪兒席維斯坦《來自邊緣的明信片》Music and Lyric by Shel Silverstein from Postcards from the Edge
"When You're Alone" 曲:約翰威廉斯;詞:萊絲莉布里庫斯《虎克船長》Music John Williams; Lyric by Leslie Bricusse from Hook
"何日" 曲:倫永亮;詞:黃霑《何日君再來》"What Day," Music by Anthony Lun; Lyric by James Wong from Au Revoir, Mon Amour
★ "葬心" 詞曲:陳煥昌 (小蟲)《阮玲玉》"Buried Heart," Music and Lyric by Johnny Chen from Centre Stage

最佳音效 Sound
《阮玲玉》Centre Stage
《與狼共舞》Dances with Wolves
《沉默的羔羊》The Silence of the Lambs
《魔鬼終結者2》Terminator 2: Judgment Day

最佳視覺特效 Visual Effects
《阿達一族》The Addams Family
《火箭人》The Rocketeer
《魔鬼終結者2》Terminator 2: Judgment Day


台長: 喬治鎊

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