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Motion Picture of the Year
危機倒數 凱薩琳畢格洛、馬克波爾、尼可拉斯夏提爾、葛瑞格夏皮洛製片 The Hurt Locker Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, Nicolas Chartier and Greg Shapiro, Producers






Mark Boal:

Thank you so much. This has been such a dream. Beyond a dream for all of us who have lived for so long with this story. And, you know, we had this fantasy of making our film our way with the talent that we hoped to have. And hopefully, we would find a distributor and somebody might even like the movie.

So to be standing here, this was really, truly, honestly never part of anything we even imagined in our wildest dreams. So thank you so much to each and every member of the Academy for really honoring us beyond anything we could've ever imagined.

Greg Shapiro:

Thank you to the Academy. This is really unreal and extremely humbling. We also have to thank our intrepid financier and fellow producer, Nicolas Chartier, who bet on this movie when no one else would. The incredible support that we got from CAA, particularly Joel Lubin, Roeg Sutherland, Brian Siberell, our entire cast and crew. Our fearless director.

Mark Boal:

Our fearless director. And also, we owe a deep debt of gratitude, by the way, to Summit Entertainment and Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger for distributing this film. And thank you, mom. I forgot to thank you before.

Kathryn Bigelow:

I was just gonna reiterate that with Rob and Patrick, who took a very brave shot with this movie. And we owe them dearly. Perhaps one more dedication, to men and women all over the world who... Sorry to reiterate, but wear a uniform, but even not just the military – HazMat, emergency, firemen. They're there for us and we're there for them. Thank you. Thank you.

最佳導演 Directing
凱薩琳畢格洛 危機倒數 Kathryn Bigelow for The Hurt Locker


This really is... There's no other way to describe it, it's the moment of a lifetime. First of all, this is so extraordinary to be in the company of such powerful, my fellow nominees, such powerful filmmakers who have inspired me and I have admired for, some of whom, for decades. And thank you to every member of the Academy. This is, again, the moment of a lifetime. I would not be standing here if it wasn't for Mark Boal, who risked his life for the words on the page and wrote such a courageous screenplay that I was fortunate enough to have an extraordinary cast bring that screenplay to life. And Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie and Brian Geraghty. And, I think the secret to directing is collaborating and I had truly an extraordinary group of collaborators in my crew. Barry Ackroyd and Kalle Júlíusson and Bob Murawski, Chris Innis , Ray Beckett, Richard Stutsman and if I could just also thank my producing partners, Greg Shapiro, Nick Chartier and my wonderful agent, Brian Siberell, and the people of Jordan, who were, such a... so hospitable to us when we were shooting. And I'd just like to dedicate this to the women and men in the military who risk their lives on a daily basis in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world. And may they come home safe. Thank you.

Actress in a Leading Role
珊卓布拉克 攻其不備 Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side


Did I really earn this or did I just wear you all down? I would like to thank the Academy for allowing me in the last month to have the most incredible ride with rooms full of artists that I see tonight and that I've worked with before and I hope to work with in the future, who inspire me and blaze trails for us. Four of them that I've fallen deeply in love with I share this night with and I share this award with.

Gabby, I love you so much. You are exquisite. You are beyond words to me. Carey, your grace and your elegance and your beauty and your talent makes me sick. Helen, I feel like we are family through family and I don't have the words to express just what I think of you. And Meryl, you know what I think of you and you are such a good kisser. I have so many people to thank for my good fortune in this lifetime and this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I know. To the family that allowed me to play them, the Tuohy family, I know they're in here and you'll probably hear her in a minute. Maybe not. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to... the family that made this film that gave me the opportunity to do something different. John Lee Hancock, Gil Netter, Alcon, Warner Bros., the actors, everyone who's shown me kindness when it wasn't fashionable, I thank you. To everyone who was mean to me when it wasn't... George Clooney threw me in a pool years ago. I'm still holding a grudge. But there's so many people to thank. Not enough time, so I would like to thank what this film is about for me which are the moms that take care of the babies and the children no matter where they come from. Those moms and parents never get thanked. I, in particular, failed to thank one. So... if I can take this moment to thank Helga B. for not letting me ride in cars with boys until I was 18 because she was right. I would've done what she said I was gonna do. For making me practice every day when I got home. Piano, ballet, whatever it is I wanted to be. She said to be an artist, you had to practice every day, and for reminding her daughters that there's no race, no religion, no class system, no color, nothing, no sexual orientation that makes us better than anyone else. We are all deserving of love. So, to that trailblazer, who allowed me to have that. And this. And this. I thank you so much for this opportunity that I share with these extraordinary women and my lover Meryl Streep. Thank you.

Actor in a Leading Role
傑夫布里吉斯 瘋狂的心 Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart
得獎感言:噢,謝謝影藝學院的會員們!看啊媽媽爸爸,哇!謝謝你們媽媽爸爸,讓我進入這麼酷的行業。噢,我的爸爸和媽媽,他們那麼熱愛演藝事業,我記得我媽媽讓我們所有小孩在派對上表演,為了演出「海上巡航」,我爸爸在床上教我所有演戲的基礎。他們那麼深愛演藝事業,讓我感覺我是他們的延伸,獎勵我就像是在獎勵他們,我要感謝史考特庫伯,我們超棒的導演,他對電影和鄉村音樂的知識,和他讓演員感到自信的能力,史考特謝謝你,你在哪裡?舉個手老兄。耶!史考特!也感謝你找來這麼棒的卡司,瑪姬吉倫霍、柯林,無論你在後台哪裡,和巴比杜瓦(勞勃杜瓦),你們掏心掏肺的表演實在太棒了。我要感謝貝瑞馬柯維茲,我們超棒的攝影指導,他的作品太棒了。我們的製片茱蒂開羅,和我們超棒、超棒的發行公司福斯探照燈,謝謝你們讓我們湊在一起並讓這一切成真。丁骨波奈特和史蒂芬布魯頓帶來這麼棒的音樂和音樂者。讓我還能站在這裡的團隊,珍西維斯、大衛席夫、瑞克克茲曼、CAA、鮑伯華勒斯汀、洛伊卡勒、塔拉黛和羅傑勒夫。謝謝你們。我想特別感謝我美麗的太太蘇,我們已經結婚33年了,我們有一個美麗的家庭和三個小女孩,伊莎貝拉、潔西和海莉,謝謝你們,若不是你們我不會站在這裡,非常感謝。Oh! Thank you, Academy members! Mom and dad, yeah, look! Whoo! Thank you, mom and dad, for turning me on to such a groovy profession. Oh, my dad and my mom, they loved show biz so much. I remember my mom, getting all of us kids to entertain at her parties. You know, my dad sitting me on his bed and teaching me all of the basics of acting for a role in Sea Hunt. They loved show biz so much and I feel an extension of them. You know, this, this is honoring them as much as it is me. I wanna, I wanna thank Scott Cooper, our wonderful director, for his knowledge of film and country music and for his ability to instill self-confidence in his actors. I thank you for that. Scott, where are you? Raise your hand, man. Yeah! Scotty! Thank you for that, Scott man! And thank you for assembling such a wonderful cast. Maggie Gyllenhaal, Colin, wherever he is backstage. And Bobby Duvall, so wonderful you guys brought your heart and soul. I want to thank Barry Markowitz, our wonderful DP, he did such a brilliant job. Judy Cairo, our producer, and Fox Searchlight, our wonderful, our wonderful distributor. Thank you guys for keeping us all together and for making it all happen. T-Bone Burnett and Stephen Bruton for bringing all of that great music and those wonderful musicians to the party, man. My wonderful team that's kept me together. Jean Sievers, David Schiff, Rick Kurtzman, CAA, Bob Wallerstein, Loyd Catlett, Tarra Day and Roger Love, man. Thank you, guys. And I especially want to thank my gorgeous wife, Sue, we've been married 33 years. We have a beautiful family. Three girls, Isabelle, Jessie and Hayley. Thank you, guys. I wouldn't be up here without you. Thank you so much.

最佳外語片 Foreign Language Film

阿根廷 謎樣的雙眼 璜荷西坎帕內亞導演 Argentina, El Secreto de Sus Ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes) Directed by Juan José Campanella


It is on behalf of a crew and cast that compromise mostly of people that I love and that are very close to my heart that I want to thank the Academy for not considering Na'vi a foreign language, first of all. And for letting us spend three great days in the company of incredible filmmakers.

On a personal note, I would like to thank my producers Gerardo Herrero, Mariela Besuievsky, Vanessa Ragone, Axel Kuschevatzky and Telefe. Tom Bernard... Sorry. In English, it's more difficult, it's a little slower. No! No, oh no, countdown. Tom Bernard and Michael Barker from Sony Classics. And Cecilia, you found a guy stuck in development hell and made something watchable out of him. Thank you so much. I love you. I owe you.

最佳影片剪輯 Film Editing

克莉絲英尼斯與鮑伯穆勞斯基 危機倒數 Chris Innis & Bob Murauski for The Hurt Locker

最佳紀錄長片 Documentary Feature
血色海灣 The Cove


最佳視覺效果 Visual Effects
阿凡達 Avatar

最佳原創配樂 Original Score

麥克吉亞奇諾 天外奇蹟 Michael Giacchino for Up

最佳攝影 Cinematography

茂洛費歐雷 阿凡達 Mauro Fiore for Avatar

最佳混音 Sound Mixing 
危機倒數 The Hurt Locker

最佳音效剪輯 Sound Editing
危機倒數 The Hurt Locker

最佳服裝設計 Costume Design 

珊蒂鮑威爾 維多利亞女王:風華絕代 Sandy Powell for The Young Victoria

最佳藝術指導 Art Direction

瑞克卡特、勞勃史壯柏;金辛克萊 阿凡達 Rick Carter & Robert Stromberg; Kim Sinclair for Avatar

Actress in a Supporting Role

莫妮卡 珍愛人生 Mo’Nique in Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire


First, I would like to thank the Academy for showing that it can be about the performance and not the politics. I want to thank Miss Hattie McDaniel for enduring all that she had to so that I would not have to. Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey because you touched it, the whole world saw it. Ricky Anderson, our attorney of Anderson & Smith, thank you for your hard work. My entire BET family, my Precious family, thank you so much. To my amazing husband Sidney, thank you for showing me that sometimes you have to forego doing what's popular in order to do what's right. And baby, you were so right. God bless us all.

最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay 
傑佛瑞佛萊契 珍愛人生 Geoffrey Fletcher for Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire


I don't know what to say. This is for everybody who works on a dream every day. Precious boys and girls everywhere. All the cast and crew, anyone who's kept believing in me. My two brothers, supported me in every way. My role models, my heroes, Buddy and Todd. My mother, Bettye, angel of my world. My father, Alphonse, who spent so much time with us and taught us everything. I'm sorry I'm drawing a blank right now, but I thank everyone.

最佳化妝 Makeup

星際爭霸戰 Star Trek

 Live Action Short Film
The New Tenants

最佳紀錄短片 Documentary Short Subject
Music by Prudence

最佳動畫短片 Animated Short Film
商標世界 Logorama

最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
馬克波爾 危機倒數 Mark Boal for The Hurt Locker

得獎感言:天啊,謝謝影藝學院,你們獎勵我並讓我感到無比地謙遜。我曾是個從伊拉克報導回來的記者,有了這個有關在打一場毫不受歡迎戰爭的前線軍人的故事點子。我想這可以拍成一部電影,結果卻遠遠超乎我的想像,我要感謝許多人, 感謝巔峰公司,感謝我們超棒的演員和幕後人員,和一個很棒的人,同時也是非常有眼光的電影創作者凱薩琳畢格洛,這座獎是屬於妳的。我也想感謝並將這作獎謹獻給還在伊拉克部隊的十一萬五千人、在阿富汗部隊的十二萬人,和受傷的三萬人及英勇殉職的四千人。也獻給我父親,是他鼓勵我並讓我能站在這裡,但他沒能活著看到這個而在一個月前過世了,他會很為這個高興。謝謝你,爸,謝謝。

Oh my god. Wow, thank you Academy. You honor me and humble me with this. More than, more than you know. I was a reporter back from Iraq with the idea for a story about these men on the frontlines of an unpopular war. I thought it might make a movie. The result wildly exceeded my expectations. And that is thanks to so many people. To Summit Entertainment. To our amazing cast and crew, and most of all to one extraordinary individual and visionary filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow, this belongs to you. I would also like to thank and dedicate this to the troops, the 115,000 who are still in Iraq, the 120,000 in Afghanistan and the more than 30,000 wounded and 4,000 who have not made it home. And to my father, who didn't live to see this, but inspired me and got me up here. He passed away a month ago. He would've really liked this a lot. Thanks, dad. Thank you.

最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
“The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)” Music and Lyric by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett 瘋狂的心 Crazy Heart

最佳動畫長片 Animated Feature 

天外奇蹟 彼特達克特 Up Pete Doctor

得獎感言:天啊,我從沒想到在我小學三年級數學課本上畫的翻頁圖本會帶領我到這裡,現在這裡只有我,但請想像台上站滿了你所合作過最棒的演員和幕後人員,製片喬納斯李維拉、另一個導演鮑伯彼得森,你們應該和我一起站在這裡。非常感謝迪士尼和皮克斯動畫工作室相信這個不尋常的作品。這部電影是一場非常、非常不可思議的冒險,但它的心來自家庭,所以它獻給我們的家,而說到我家,我要獻給非常支持我的父母,我的孩子尼可拉斯和艾莉,和我最棒的太太阿曼達,你們是最棒的冒險,謝謝。Boy, never did I dream that making a flip book out of my third grade math book would lead to this. Boy. It's incredible being here, it's just me right now, but please picture this whole stage full of the most amazing cast and crew you've ever experienced. Jonas Rivera, producer. Bob Peterson, co-director. You guys should all be up here with me. Thanks so much to Disney and to Pixar Animation Studios for believing in this oddball film. It was an incredible, incredible adventure making this movie, but the heart of it came from home. And to our families, in my case, to my wonderful parents, they were so supportive. My kids, Nicholas and Ellie, and my amazing wife Amanda, you guys are the greatest adventure. Thank you.

Actor in a Supporting Role
克里斯多夫佛茲 惡棍特工 Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds


然後布萊德彼特幫我上船,黛安克魯格在那,梅蘭妮羅宏和丹尼斯梅諾卻和鮑伯李察森和莎莉曼基和亞當史懷哲和麗莎卡斯泰勒。每個人幫我找到一個定位。環球和溫斯汀公司和ICM和昆丁 ,以他非傳統的導航方式,這個無懼的探險者帶領這艘船橫越並色彩飛揚地長驅直入,這就是我現在站的地方。


Oscar and Penélope that's an über bingo. I always wanted to discover some new continent and I thought I had to go this way, and then I was introduced to Quentin Tarantino, who was putting together an expedition that was equipped by Harvey Weinstein and Lawrence Bender and David Linde, and he put this script in front of me and he said, "This is where we're going, but we're going the other way." So Brad Pitt helped me on board and Diane Kruger was there Melanie Laurent and Denis Menochet and Bob Richardson and Sally Menke and Adam Schweitzer and Lisa Kasteler. Everybody helped me find a place. Universal and The Weinstein Company and ICM and Quentin, with his unorthodox methods of navigation, this fearless explorer, took this ship across and brought it in with flying colors and that's why I'm here. And this is your welcoming embrace and there's no way I can ever thank you enough, but I can start right now. Thank you.






"I already have two of these. So I'm feeling greedy."





台長: 喬治鎊

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