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2007-02-24 01:08:33| 人氣917| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

奧斯卡最佳影片入圍(三)-來自硫磺島的信 Letters from Iwo Jima

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來自硫磺島的信 (克林伊斯威特,2006)






Letters from Iwo Jima (Clint Eastwood, 2006)

The battle of Iwo Jima, it’s a important milestone to the winning U.S. army, but it’s a start of corruption to defeating Japanese. To see this history today, it is always taken as karma to the invasion empire Japan which brought disgrace on its own head. But a pile of letters dig up from the island just two years ago uncovered the other side of Japanese army from being taken as villains.

Studying abroad in the states, General Kuribayashi was signed to serve as a overall director of the Iwo Jima battle. His American style of leniency and making each soldier counts makes other leaders who obey the militarism strictly want to against him, and it became the source of failure. The way Kuribayashi did things proves that there was also respectable backbone and good nature in Japanese. Although abandoned by his own country, he still fought to the last second without any fear.

Saigo who had no command over himself was a little soldier hates the war with his gut. The only thing he could do was to keep obey. Although having the self-conscious of unable to go home, He still kept a slight hope of seeing his wife and daughter. Saigo represents the humanity of the Japanese soldiers, they act from envious to cherish each other, everyone had a sympathetic story. The only difference was Saigo found a way out besides obey under the strong will of surviving.

Clint Eastwood presents the other unknowing perspective of Iwo Jima battle through the vision of Japanese army, describes what happened faithfully without any judgment. Japanese had a foolish act of committing suicide to obey the militarism but also gave their hand to the enemy. Although Americans represented the justice, they also had the evil of treating convicts cruelly. This is an objective perspective that hardly sees in a war movie.

The conflict of nationalism and individualism is the point of this film. The leader who spoke patriotism was afraid of death, but the soldiers who missed their hometown were willing to obey and sacrificed themselves. The expectations and yearnings for their son and wife in Kuribayashi’s and Saigo’s letters cover a sympathetic color on the Japanese destined to fail and once again emphasize the cruelty of war. Saigo only found his recognition to his own country on Kuribayashi, although he couldn’t avoid the fate that was coming along, to bury these letters was to only way he could prove the trace of their existence.

台長: 喬治鎊

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