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2007-02-01 21:08:22| 人氣482| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

硫磺島的英雄們 Flags of Our Fathers

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硫磺島的英雄們 (克林伊斯威特, 2006)








Flags of Our Fathers (Clint Eastwood, 2006)

In World War II, a picture showed the moment when the soldiers raised the nation flag after winning the battle at Iwo Jima, became the symbol of American people’s patriotism. Clint Eastwood first attempts to film a war drama. In stead of spreading this symbol, he presents the actual story behind this perfect picture.

John Bradley, who was called “Doc” by his colleagues, was from a typical middle-class Caucasian family. He fought for the country with his patriotism but couldn’t forget that he can’t protect his good friend. Although he was crowned a name as “war hero,” he still knew this honor doesn’t belong to him but to everyone who sacrificed themselves.

Also came from a middle-class family, Rene Gagnon had a totally different thought. This picture let him sees the opportunity of getting in the upper class, so he devoted himself in any situation that could raise his popularity, even treat colleagues who blocked his way. To him, war suddenly became a tool which has quite an amount of interests, just like robbing other colleagues’ sacrificing.

As a Native American, Ira Hayes joined this war which he had no right to choose, and even forced to become the hero he couldn’t have become ever. Although he strongly resisted this very unrealistic title, he still couldn’t fight the anticipation that the public gave him and kept soak himself in the trauma the war brought him in the meanwhile.

Eastwood shows the story behind this picture which has extraordinary powers through describing the three characters. Persons who seem like heroes also have the same needs and difficulties as normal people. It might be too serious to say that it crushes the patriotism this picture represents, but it’s very obvious that it contains the criticism to the government and the media trying to simplify the truth of the war and make their power solid. Still it’s quite a pity that the development of the characters is not complete enough and makes it a little out of focus.

Maybe Eastwood doesn’t want to make this film seem overdone because of emotional scenes but also makes it lose the power it could’ve had. Still he achieves the trying of a different genre and non-linearity storytelling that can make this film known as a new title “Eastwood’s war drama.” The next is to see if “Letters from Iwo Jima” can make his position as a “war drama director.”

Score: 9/10

台長: 喬治鎊
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