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2007-04-20 13:10:11| 人氣65| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

sorry~ No! >_<’’

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Sorry i cannot do it!
u asked me to give u a drive to Airport
when u said it, i felt weird.. Why is me?
why not ask other friends? as usual, it won’t be Me.
u won’t ask me to do sth. Only by two of us.
i asked: Why?
u said:if i give u a drive, then i’ll be the last person
to see u, that’s really Special!
Yes! if u Love me, then i would luv to Do that.
but actually the truth is..
r u just using me? r u think i am the Easy person
Whenever..Whatever.. u Ask, i’ll say yes to U?
n the Reason just bcuz u Knew i like u!
Ha.. maybe u r Right, i’ll say yes.
buuut.. Not this time tho.. cuz i CANNOT do it!
i’m not decent person,
can’t believe someone who i love, he going to meet his gf
n i still need to be happy to sau Good-bye to him!
That is too Hard to me >_< (cry out loud)
yes! u should feel good, i didn’t Cry yet.
i Enjoy to spend time with u. every moment was Happiness <3
Babe plz dunt go.. plz~plz~ (Begging..)

台長: Little Angel


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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: My Babe Boss |
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