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2007-02-02 16:09:51| 人氣17| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Somehow i realize that i Luv u so much,
even u don’t need to tell me, then i can feel U.
so that’s why i was feeling so Bad at that day.
but Thanks God u r fine!
then i start to worry about sth.
if i can make a wish, that i "want" u to take me to my next happiness,
is that Possible? plz forgive me my selfish..
bcuz u r the only Man give me everything,
u r the only Man give me the Happiness!
and i believe i cannot live without U ..
How much i Luv u ?
i Swear! if today i can Die for u, i won’t say No!
bcuz without u annie is Nothing!
i know ur not belong Mind,
but i believe that u r Not belong someone else too.
sometime i wish i could have a nice talk with U,
n i hope i can have that Courage to do it.
but Sorry about that i didn’t make it..
How r u doing to day? hope everything is going well for u!
hope u can be healthy, stay strong, n wish u r Happy!!
if i can ask sth. then won’t ask how much u Luv me?
cuz i already know, or maybe i afraid to know.. huh!
all i wanna know is, r u Happy with this Life? that’s what i Care!
in the end.. i really wanna say THANK U my Luv.
if there is a chance i hope i can be ur Lover again..
then i can meet u at next next life, isn’t it ?!

台長: Little Angel
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