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2006-11-26 04:03:46

Not Easy..

Babe: i am getting Tired.. i worry someday i will give up to luv u. n the day seems coming soon. i’m sure u know How much i love u.. How much i need u.. maybe u know i’m cannot live without u...

2006-11-20 10:23:25

No power..

i feel i didn’t see u for Thousand years.. i have No power right now.. i cannot do anything All bcuz of u , cuz u r not Here with me i Need u i Miss u i Want u .. Babe where r u ? i am Tired, tir...

2006-11-19 15:46:30


人生沒有十全十美的.. 也不會一路順遂.. 要如何度過這些難關,或許這就看你有多少智慧了 有人越挫越勇..有人則走上絕路.. 我相信我一定能度過這難關.. 只要肯努力天下無難事,不是這樣說的嗎? 保佑我吧!!

2006-11-19 12:17:43


今天終於去想了很久的Outlet Mall逛.. 原本是為了今年的Thanksgiving先探路 誰知..買到了兩件夢寐已久的外套,好開心! 但是為了不希望再感恩節大特價時後悔 所以annie先把標籤留著,如真有萬一再拿去退ㄅ 順道一...

2006-11-14 14:24:18

This age..

都到了這把年紀了,身邊卻一個人也沒有 喜歡的人不喜歡我,我也莫可奈何呀.. 常常再問寶貝哪裡??寶貝也再找我嗎? 每每不自覺想起喜歡的人對著他心愛的人的一些甜蜜動作 讓我不經的吃起酸酸的醋,那種酸是可以讓人...

2006-11-12 16:34:08

Fancy myself..

當自以為男人對你好些,聽你話, 就代表你可控制所有一切 我只能說.. 你錯了!! 男人是很笨但自私的動物.. 他們也只是隨著心情做他們想要的事 對男人來說一件小事卻是女人的大事 永遠分不清輕重的天秤又如何得到平...

2006-10-29 03:15:35

Get out of my Life!

u know what..? everything is what i want.. but it just too late.. can u just go away..? i tried hard to get over it why u always wanna interrupt my life? i dunt need u, i dunt miss u, i dunt rem...

2006-05-15 03:08:18

Like u.. Dislike u

你總是讓我討厭你,又讓我想念你 你總是讓我喜歡你,又給了我距離 和你永遠處於尷尬的圈圈裡..繞啊繞的 Babe i misssssssssss u so.

2006-05-07 06:57:39

Time to Fly

Babe i am going to my country at this summer, for sure will u miss me..? anyway i will miss u a lot, for sure remember last summer, u go back to ur country for three month the only way i can contac...

2006-05-07 06:44:33

Babe i miss u

babe i Misssss u so.. the reason i miss u cuz i like u cuz i didnt see u cuz i am thinkin’ about u cuz i am home alone.. u uesd to be the one always talkin with me u uesd to be the one ca...

2006-05-07 06:35:15

i Like u as u Like her

Babe i like u as u like her.. i know how much i Like u i know how much i Care about u i cannot stop to Think about u i cannot stop to Like u u like my Vutamins.. i Need u everyday everytime ...

2006-05-04 14:18:14

is Time to Fly or Stay..??

留與不留我真的很難抉擇.. 當初為了某些原因,所以想回台灣避避 好好休個假,陪陪爸媽和朋友聚聚 雖然那個原因再沒多久之後就不是問題 但我還是想回台灣好好放個假 不過因為學要課程的關係,又希望留下來上課 加上...

2006-05-04 14:07:10

U should Not say that to Me..

昨晚Joann從冰箱裡拿出我的冰淇淋開始喀 我已半開玩笑的方式,像小孩子耍賴似的不准他吃 我越吵他反而越開心.. 我是不會計較說誰吃了什麼東西 但是重點是那盒冰淇淋是Gap買給我的.. 之後越吵越大聲.. Gap看了一眼...

2006-04-24 13:53:46

People say..

If U ever want something Badly, Let it Go. If it comes back to U, then it’s Urs forever. If it Doesn’t , then it was Never Urs.

2006-04-24 13:47:35


現在每天幾乎看的到你 看見你覺得煩,沒看見你又覺得煩惱 願望不靈,心也疲倦,就快什麼都沒了! 你擔不擔心,我有一點點呀.. 如果就只是個簡簡單單的朋友 那會是最好不過的了,對吧?!

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