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2010-07-15 22:33:52| 人氣392| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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The world is fantastic because of arts.

It is hard to imagine how meaningless life we have  if we lack it  in the  world.

 It is happy thing  to work in art  because dance makes me find myself and fulfills

 a lot of my dreams. However, I have not danced for a long time.

I almost forget the feeling of  enjoying  dance.

How can I forget that feeling and how can I forget the passion like before?

I remember when I was a senior high school student,

I practiced the dance steps on the street, on the train and in front of the dorm's mirror.

I couldn't help it to stop thinking dance every moment.

Especially Ballet, that was my favorite subject at that time.

I think I am getting old so I lose vitality  to be energetic . hahaha......



Arts are wonderful  things in my eyes.

To sing,  to write, to dance, to listen, to watch, to think, to coreograph,

I see the pretty  world  through doing those things.

 We connect to the world without any verbal language because thought is exchanging

by feeling arts and  works help you to  express those colors of author's  heart.

 Amazing works depend on each individual person.  

And people......

become more and more closer because......

arts make them feel  the colors, the voices, the thoughts 


other souls.....





台長: Sky
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